219 lines
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219 lines
8.4 KiB
name: Testing E2E Android
description: "Clear workflow caches where possible"
required: false
type: string
- '**'
- 'docs/**'
- 'website/**'
- '.spellcheck.dict.txt'
# - '**/*.md'
- master
- 'docs/**'
- 'website/**'
- '.spellcheck.dict.txt'
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
name: Android
runs-on: macos-12
timeout-minutes: 90
fail-fast: false
# Refactor to make these dynamic with a low/high bracket only on schedule, not push
# For now this is just the fastest combo (api/arch/target/snapshot-warm-time) based on testing
api-level: [30]
arch: [x86_64]
target: [google_apis]
first-boot-delay: [600]
# This is useful for benchmarking, do 0, 1, 2, etc (up to 256 max job-per-matrix limit) for averages
iteration: [0]
EMULATOR_COMMAND: "-avd TestingAVD -noaudio -gpu swiftshader_indirect -camera-back none -no-snapshot -no-window -no-boot-anim -nojni -memory 2048 -timezone 'Europe/London' -cores 2"
EMULATOR_EXECUTABLE: qemu-system-x86_64-headless
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 50
# Set up tool versions
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: 16
# - name: Configure JDK 1.11
# uses: actions/setup-java@v3
# with:
# distribution: 'temurin'
# java-version: '11'
# # Set path variables needed for caches
# - name: Set workflow variables
# id: workflow-variables
# run: |
# echo "metro-cache=$HOME/.metro" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# echo "yarn-cache-dir=$(yarn cache dir)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# echo "tempdir=$TMPDIR" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - uses: actions/cache@v3
# name: Yarn Cache
# id: yarn-cache
# with:
# path: ${{ steps.workflow-variables.outputs.yarn-cache-dir }}
# key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-v1-${{ hashFiles('yarn.lock') }}
# restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-v1
# - name: Yarn Install
# uses: nick-invision/retry@v2
# with:
# timeout_minutes: 10
# retry_wait_seconds: 60
# max_attempts: 3
# command: DETOX_DISABLE_POSTINSTALL=1 yarn --no-audit --prefer-offline
# - name: Cache pushy Emulator
# uses: actions/cache@v3
# with:
# path: ~/.cache/pushy/emulators
# key: pushy-emulators-v1-${{ github.run_id }}
# restore-keys: pushy-emulators-v1
# - name: Start pushy Emulator
# run: yarn tests:emulator:start-ci
# - uses: actions/cache@v3
# name: Gradle Cache
# with:
# path: ~/.gradle/caches
# key: ${{ runner.os }}-gradle-v1-${{ hashFiles('**/*.gradle*') }}
# restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-gradle-v1
# # This appears to be 'Cache Size: ~1230 MB (1290026823 B)' based on watching action logs
# # Repo limit is 10GB; branch caches are independent; branches may read default branch cache.
# # We don't want branches to evict master branch snapshot, so save on master, read-only all else
# - name: AVD cache
# uses: actions/cache@v3
# id: avd-cache
# with:
# path: |
# ~/.android/avd/*
# ~/.android/adb*
# key: avd-${{ matrix.api-level }}-${{ matrix.arch }}-${{matrix.target}}-v1-${{ github.event.inputs.clearCaches }}
# restore-keys: |
# avd-${{ matrix.api-level }}-${{ matrix.arch }}-${{matrix.target}}-v1
# - name: Clear Caches Optionally
# if: "${{ github.event.inputs.clearCaches != '' }}"
# shell: bash
# run: |
# du -sk ~/.gradle
# du -sk ~/.android
# rm -fr ~/.gradle
# rm -fr ~/.android
# du -sk ~/.gradle || echo ~/.gradle is gone
# du -sk ~/.android || echo ~/.android is gone
- name: Build Android App
uses: nick-invision/retry@v2
timeout_minutes: 25
retry_wait_seconds: 60
max_attempts: 3
command: yarn build:android-release
# - name: Metro Bundler Cache
# uses: actions/cache@v3
# with:
# path: ${{ steps.workflow-variables.outputs.metro-cache }}
# key: ${{ runner.os }}-metro-v1-${{ github.run_id }}
# restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-metro-v1
# - name: AVD Boot and Snapshot Creation
# # Only generate a snapshot with a cache miss
# # Comment the if out to generate snapshots on branch for performance testing
# if: "${{ github.event.inputs.clearCaches != '' || (steps.avd-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master') }}"
# uses: reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner@v2
# with:
# api-level: ${{ matrix.api-level }}
# avd-name: TestingAVD
# force-avd-creation: false
# target: ${{ matrix.target }}
# arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
# emulator-options: -no-window -gpu swiftshader_indirect -noaudio -no-boot-anim -camera-back none
# sdcard-path-or-size: 100M
# disable-animations: true
# # Give the emulator a little time to run and do first boot stuff before taking snapshot
# script: |
# $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb logcat '*:D' -d > adb-snapshot-log.txt
# $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb logcat --clear
# echo "Generated AVD snapshot for caching."
# # This step is separate so pure install time may be calculated as a step
# - name: Emulator Snapshot After Firstboot Warmup
# # Only generate a snapshot for saving with a cache miss
# # Switch the if statements via comment if generating snapshots for performance testing
# # if: matrix.first-boot-delay != '0'
# if: "${{ github.event.inputs.clearCaches != '' || (steps.avd-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master') }}"
# env:
# FIRST_BOOT_DELAY: ${{ matrix.first-boot-delay }}
# uses: reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner@v2
# with:
# api-level: ${{ matrix.api-level }}
# avd-name: TestingAVD
# force-avd-creation: false
# target: ${{ matrix.target }}
# arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
# emulator-options: -no-window -gpu swiftshader_indirect -noaudio -no-boot-anim -camera-back none
# sdcard-path-or-size: 100M
# disable-animations: true
# # Give the emulator a little time to run and do first boot stuff before taking snapshot
# # The zygote restart makes sure zygote has correct heap size as a workaround for android emulator init bug
# script: |
# $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb shell su root "setprop ctl.restart zygote"
# $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb logcat '*:D' -d > adb-warmup-log.txt
# $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb logcat --clear
# echo "First boot warmup completed."
# - name: Test Tapper
# # Run this outside the emulator runner so the emulator runner does not wait on it for cleanup
# run: |
# nohup sh -c "until false; do $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb shell input tap 100 800; sleep 0.2; done" &
# shell: bash
- name: Detox Tests
uses: reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner@v2
timeout-minutes: 40
api-level: ${{ matrix.api-level }}
avd-name: TestingAVD
force-avd-creation: false
target: ${{ matrix.target }}
arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
emulator-options: -no-snapshot-save -no-window -gpu swiftshader_indirect -noaudio -no-boot-anim -camera-back none
sdcard-path-or-size: 100M
disable-animations: true
# Detox uses Espresso to choreograph steps in reaction to UI events, so we need to send a stream of taps.
script: |
$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb devices
nohup sh -c "$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb logcat '*:D' > adb-log.txt" &
yarn test:android-release