import getHost, { tryBackupDomains } from './getHost'; import { NativeAppEventEmitter, NativeModules } from 'react-native'; const Pushy = NativeModules.Pushy || {}; export const downloadRootDir = Pushy.downloadRootDir; export const packageVersion = Pushy.packageVersion; export const currentVersion = Pushy.currentVersion; export const isFirstTime = Pushy.isFirstTime; export const isRolledBack = Pushy.isRolledBack; export const buildTime = Pushy.buildTime; /* Return json: Package was expired: { expired: true, downloadUrl: 'http://appstore/downloadUrl', } Package is up to date: { upToDate: true, } There is available update: { update: true, name: '1.0.3-rc', hash: 'hash', description: '添加聊天功能\n修复商城页面BUG', metaInfo: '{"silent":true}', pdiffUrl: '', diffUrl: '', } */ function assertRelease() { if (__DEV__) { throw new Error('react-native-update can only run on RELEASE version.'); } } export async function checkUpdate(APPKEY, isRetry) { assertRelease(); let resp; try { resp = await fetch(`${getHost()}/checkUpdate/${APPKEY}`, { method: 'POST', headers: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ packageVersion, hash: currentVersion, buildTime, }), }); } catch (e) { if (isRetry) { throw new Error('Could not connect to pushy server'); } await tryBackupDomains(); return checkUpdate(APPKEY, true); } if (resp.status !== 200) { throw new Error((await resp.json()).message); } return resp.json(); } export async function downloadUpdate(options) { assertRelease(); if (!options.update) { return; } if (options.diffUrl) { await Pushy.downloadPatchFromPpk({ updateUrl: options.diffUrl, hashName: options.hash, originHashName: currentVersion, }); } else if (options.pdiffUrl) { await Pushy.downloadPatchFromPackage({ updateUrl: options.pdiffUrl, hashName: options.hash, }); } else { await Pushy.downloadUpdate({ updateUrl: options.updateUrl, hashName: options.hash, }); } return options.hash; } export function switchVersion(hash) { assertRelease(); Pushy.reloadUpdate({ hashName: hash }); } export function switchVersionLater(hash) { assertRelease(); Pushy.setNeedUpdate({ hashName: hash }); } export function markSuccess() { assertRelease(); Pushy.markSuccess(); } NativeAppEventEmitter.addListener('RCTPushyDownloadProgress', params => {}); NativeAppEventEmitter.addListener('RCTPushyUnzipProgress', params => {});