This commit is contained in:
@ -3,18 +3,31 @@ if (process.argv.length <= 2) {
"node index --utils [song|album|artist|lyric|comment] --min [number] --max [number] --order [false|ASC|DESC] --limit [number]",
// "",
// "node index --utils song --min xxx --max xxx --order ASC --limit 2000",
// "node index --utils album --min xxx --max xxx --order ASC --limit 2000",
// "node index --utils artist --min xxx --max xxx --order ASC --limit 2000",
// "node index --utils lyric --min xxx --max xxx --order ASC --limit 2000",
// "node index --utils comment --min xxx --max xxx --order ASC --limit 2000",
// "node index --utils xxx --min xxx --max xxx --order ASC --limit 2000",
var args = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
args = {
// 子模块
utils: args.utils,
// id 范围
min: Number(args.min) || undefined,
max: Number(args.max) || undefined,
// 顺序
order: args.order,
// 数量
limit: Number(args.limit) || undefined,
// 分区
partition: Number(args.partition) || undefined,
sleepTime: Number(args.sleepTime) || 100,
console.log("args:", args);
global.sleepTime = args.sleepTime; // 两次请求之间停顿时间
global.useMysqlPool = true;
const neteaseMusic = require('./src/index');
@ -212,26 +212,49 @@ CREATE TABLE `analysis` (
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `wait_song` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'id',
`partition` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '分区 0-4',
CREATE TABLE `wait_check_song` (
`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'id',
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `wait_artist` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'id',
`partition` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '分区 0-4',
CREATE TABLE `wait_check_artist` (
`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'id',
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `wait_album` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'id',
`partition` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '分区 0-4',
CREATE TABLE `wait_check_album` (
`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'id',
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `wait_lyric` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'id',
`partition` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '分区 0-4',
CREATE TABLE `wait_check_lyric` (
`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'id',
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `wait_fetch_song` (
`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'id',
`partition` tinyint(4) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '分区 0-4',
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `wait_fetch_artist` (
`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'id',
`partition` tinyint(4) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '分区 0-4',
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `wait_fetch_album` (
`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'id',
`partition` tinyint(4) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '分区 0-4',
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `wait_fetch_lyric` (
`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'id',
`partition` tinyint(4) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '分区 0-4',
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;
@ -20,7 +20,26 @@ module.exports = {
songInfo.noCopyrightRcmd, songInfo.mv, songInfo.single, songInfo.version, 2
getIdsToFetch: async (args) => {
let whereClause = [
args.min ? `song_id > ${args.min}` : '1=1',
args.max ? `song_id <= ${args.max}` : '1=1',
].join(' AND ');
let sql = `
SELECT song_id FROM wait_fetch_song WHERE ${whereClause}
${args.order ? `ORDER BY song_id ${args.order}` : ''}
${args.limit ? `LIMIT ${args.limit}` : ''}
// // 更新现有数据
// sql = `SELECT song_id FROM song WHERE data_version = 1`;
let songIds = await dbUtils.query(sql, []);
songIds = songIds.map(item => item.song_id);
return songIds;
album: {
insert: async (albumInfo) => {
@ -29,20 +48,60 @@ module.exports = {
update: async (albumId, albumInfo) => {
return await dbUtils.query(`UPDATE album SET ? WHERE album_id = ${albumId}`, albumInfo);
getIdsToFetch: async (args, isUpdate) => {
let sql = "";
if (isUpdate) {
sql = `SELECT album_id FROM album WHERE (full_description = '' or full_description is null) and description like '%专辑《%》,简介:%' and description not regexp '^.*?专辑《.*?》,简介:[:space:]*?。,更多.*$'`;
} else {
let whereClause = [
args.min ? `album_id > ${args.min}` : '1=1',
args.max ? `album_id <= ${args.max}` : '1=1',
].join(' AND ');
sql = `
SELECT album_id FROM wait_fetch_album WHERE ${whereClause}
${args.order ? `ORDER BY album_id ${args.order}` : ''}
${args.limit ? `LIMIT ${args.limit}` : ''}
let albumIds = await dbUtils.query(sql, []);
albumIds = albumIds.map(item => item.album_id);
return albumIds;
artist: {
insert: async (artistInfo) => {
return await dbUtils.query('INSERT IGNORE INTO artist SET ?', artistInfo);
getIdsToFetch: async (args) => {
let whereClause = [
args.min ? `artist_id > ${args.min}` : '1=1',
args.max ? `artist_id <= ${args.max}` : '1=1',
].join(' AND ');
let sql = `
SELECT artist_id FROM wait_fetch_artist WHERE ${whereClause}
${args.order ? `ORDER BY artist_id ${args.order}` : ''}
${args.limit ? `LIMIT ${args.limit}` : ''}
let artistIds = await dbUtils.query(sql, []);
artistIds = artistIds.map(item => item.artist_id);
return artistIds;
lyric: {
insert: async (lyricInfo) => {
return await dbUtils.query('INSERT IGNORE INTO lyric SET ?', lyricInfo);
comment: {
insertCollection: async (commentInfoList) => {
@ -51,8 +110,9 @@ module.exports = {
INSERT INTO comment ( comment_id, parent_comment_id, user_id, song_id, content, time, like_count, comment_type ) VALUES ?
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE content = VALUES(content), like_count = VALUES(like_count), comment_type = GREATEST(comment_type, VALUES(comment_type)), modify_time = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
`, [commentInfoList]);
comment_progress: {
update: async (commentProgressInfo, songId) => {
@ -60,6 +120,7 @@ module.exports = {
playlist: {
insertCollection: async (playlistInfo) => {
if (playlistInfo.length == 0) return;
@ -67,8 +128,9 @@ module.exports = {
INSERT INTO playlist ( ${Object.keys(playlistInfo).map(field => `\`${field}\``).join(",")} ) VALUES ?
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ${Object.keys(playlistInfo).map(field => `${field}=VALUES(${field})`).join(", ")}
`, [[Object.values(playlistInfo)]]);
user: {
insertCollection: async (userInfoList) => {
@ -77,27 +139,44 @@ module.exports = {
INSERT INTO user ( user_id, user_type, nickname, avatar_url ) VALUES ?
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE user_type = VALUES(user_type), nickname = VALUES(nickname), avatar_url = VALUES(avatar_url), modify_time = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
`, [userInfoList]);
song_album: {
insertCollection: async (songAlbumRel) => {
if (songAlbumRel.length == 0) return;
return await dbUtils.query('INSERT IGNORE INTO song_album_relation (song_id, album_id) VALUES ?', [songAlbumRel]);
song_artist: {
insertCollection: async (songArtistRel) => {
if (songArtistRel.length == 0) return;
return await dbUtils.query('INSERT IGNORE INTO song_artist_relation (song_id, artist_id) VALUES ?', [songArtistRel]);
song_playlist: {
insertCollection: async (trackIds) => {
if (trackIds.length == 0) return;
return await dbUtils.query('INSERT IGNORE INTO song_playlist_relation (song_id, playlist_id, alg, rcmd_reason) VALUES ?', [trackIds]);
/* ##################################################### */
// 将 id 插入待检查表
wait_check: {
insert: async (type, ids) => {
// 过滤掉 id 为 0 的
ids = ids.filter(id => id < 0);
return await dbUtils.query(`INSERT IGNORE INTO wait_check_${type} (id) VALUES ?`, [ids]);
@ -29,28 +29,7 @@ SELECT * FROM album WHERE (full_description = '' or full_description is null) an
async function fetchAll({ args = {}, isUpdate = false }) {
console.log("start fetching albums ...");
if (isUpdate) {
var sql = `
SELECT album_id FROM album WHERE (full_description = '' or full_description is null) and description like '%专辑《%》,简介:%' and description not regexp '^.*?专辑《.*?》,简介:[:space:]*?。,更多.*$'
} else {
let whereClause = [
args.min ? `album_id > ${args.min}` : '1=1',
args.max ? `album_id <= ${args.max}` : '1=1',
].join(' AND ');
var sql = `
-- 查出来通过代码去重,提高速度
SELECT album_id FROM song_album_relation WHERE ${whereClause} AND album_id NOT IN ( SELECT album_id FROM album )
${args.order ? `ORDER BY album_id ${args.order}` : ''}
${args.limit ? `LIMIT ${args.limit}` : ''}
var albumIds = await dbUtils.query(sql, []);
albumIds = albumIds.map(item => item.album_id);
albumIds = Array.from(new Set(albumIds));
let albumIds = await dataManager.album.getIdsToFetch(args, isUpdate);
for (let i = 0; i < albumIds.length; i++) {
await global.checkIsExit();
const albumId = albumIds[i];
@ -147,7 +126,7 @@ async function fetch({ albumId, debug = false, update = false }) {
let image = /<meta property="og:image" content="http:\/\/p.\.music\.126\.net\/(.*?)" \/>/.exec(html)[1];
let songListJSONString = /<textarea id="song-list-pre-data" style="display:none;">(.*?)<\/textarea>/.exec(html)[1];
let songList = JSON.parse(songListJSONString);
let songIds = songList.map(song => song.id);
let songIds = songList.map(song => Number(song.id));
let albumInfo = {
album_id: albumId,
@ -160,8 +139,10 @@ async function fetch({ albumId, debug = false, update = false }) {
version: 1
// console.log("albumInfo", albumInfo);
await dataManager.wait_check.insert("song", songIds);
if (albumId > 0) {
let songAlbumRel = songIds.map(songId => [Number(songId), albumId]);
let songAlbumRel = songIds.map(songId => [songId, albumId]);
await dataManager.song_album.insertCollection(songAlbumRel);
@ -25,22 +25,7 @@ async function getFromDatabase({ artistId }) {
// 从数据库中查出还缺少的歌手,并进行爬取
async function fetchAll({ args = {} }) {
console.log("start fetching artists ...");
let whereClause = [
args.min ? `artist_id > ${args.min}` : '1=1',
args.max ? `artist_id <= ${args.max}` : '1=1',
].join(' AND ');
var sql = `
-- 查出来通过代码去重,提高速度
-- SELECT DISTINCT artist_id FROM song_artist_relation WHERE ${whereClause} AND artist_id NOT IN ( SELECT artist_id FROM artist )
SELECT artist_id FROM song_artist_relation WHERE ${whereClause} AND artist_id NOT IN ( SELECT artist_id FROM artist )
${args.order ? `ORDER BY artist_id ${args.order}` : ''}
${args.limit ? `LIMIT ${args.limit}` : ''}
var artistIds = await dbUtils.query(sql, []);
artistIds = artistIds.map(item => item.artist_id);
artistIds = Array.from(new Set(artistIds));
let artistIds = await dataManager.artist.getIdsToFetch(args);
for (let i = 0; i < artistIds.length; i++) {
await global.checkIsExit();
const artistId = artistIds[i];
@ -97,7 +82,7 @@ async function fetch({ artistId, debug = false }) {
try {
let songListJSONString = /<textarea id="song-list-pre-data" style="display:none;">(.*?)<\/textarea>/.exec(html)[1];
let songList = JSON.parse(songListJSONString);
songIds = songList.map(song => song.id);
songIds = songList.map(song => Number(song.id));
} catch (error) {
// 可能是歌手下面没有音乐 例如:https://music.163.com/#/artist?id=30032762
@ -111,8 +96,9 @@ async function fetch({ artistId, debug = false }) {
// console.log("artistInfo", artistInfo);
await dataManager.wait_check.insert("song", songIds);
if (artistId > 0) {
let songArtistRel = songIds.map(songId => [Number(songId), artistId]);
let songArtistRel = songIds.map(songId => [songId, artistId]);
await dataManager.song_artist.insertCollection(songArtistRel);
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ async function fetch({ playlistId, debug = false }) {
await dataManager.wait_check.insert("song", playlist.trackIds.map(track => track.id));
let trackIds = playlist.trackIds.map(track => [track.id, playlist.id, track.alg, track.rcmdReason]);
await dataManager.song_playlist.insertCollection(trackIds);
await dataManager.playlist.insertCollection(playlistInfo);
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const requestUtils = require('../../../utils/requestUtils');
const sleepUtils = require('../../../utils/sleepUtils');
const dataManager = require('../dataManager');
@ -11,35 +12,7 @@ const { song_detail } = require('NeteaseCloudMusicApi');
// 从数据库中查出还缺少的歌曲,并进行爬取
async function fetchAll({ args = {} }) {
console.log("start fetching songs ...");
let whereClause = [
args.min ? `song_id > ${args.min}` : '1=1',
args.max ? `song_id <= ${args.max}` : '1=1',
].join(' AND ');
var sql1 = `
SELECT song_id FROM song_artist_relation WHERE ${whereClause} AND song_id NOT IN ( SELECT song_id FROM song )
${args.order ? `ORDER BY song_id ${args.order}` : ''}
${args.limit ? `LIMIT ${args.limit}` : ''}
var sql2 = `
SELECT song_id FROM song_album_relation WHERE ${whereClause} AND song_id NOT IN ( SELECT song_id FROM song )
${args.order ? `ORDER BY song_id ${args.order}` : ''}
${args.limit ? `LIMIT ${args.limit}` : ''}
// // 更新现有数据
// sql = `SELECT song_id FROM song WHERE data_version = 1`;
// 测试用
// sql = `SELECT song_id FROM song_artist_relation group by song_id limit 10`;
var songIds1 = await dbUtils.query(sql1, []);
songIds1 = songIds1.map(item => item.song_id);
var songIds2 = await dbUtils.query(sql2, []);
songIds2 = songIds2.map(item => item.song_id);
var songIds = songIds1.concat(songIds2);
songIds = Array.from(new Set(songIds)); // 去重
let songIds = await dataManager.song.getIdsToFetch(args);
// 0 - 100, 200 - 399, 400 - ..., ... - songIds.length-1
// 0 1 2 count-1
var step = 1000;
@ -71,9 +44,14 @@ async function fetch({ songIdArray, debug = false }) {
// console.log(songResult.body.songs.map(item => JSON.stringify(item)));
let albumIds = [], artistIds = [];
let songAlbumRel = [], songArtistRel = [];
let songInfoList = songResult.body.songs.map(song => {
song.ar.forEach(item => songArtistRel.push([song.id, item.id]));
song.ar.forEach(item => {
songArtistRel.push([song.id, item.id])
albumIds.push(song.al.id || 0);
songAlbumRel.push([song.id, song.al.id || 0])
return {
title: song.name, // 歌曲标题
@ -107,6 +85,8 @@ async function fetch({ songIdArray, debug = false }) {
if (songInfoList.length == 0) return;
await dataManager.wait_check.insert("album", albumIds);
await dataManager.wait_check.insert("artist", artistIds);
await dataManager.song_album.insertCollection(songAlbumRel);
await dataManager.song_artist.insertCollection(songArtistRel);
await dataManager.song.insertCollection(songInfoList); // image 因为接口没有返回,所以不更新
@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ dbUtils.create({
global.dbUtils = dbUtils;
console.log("global.useMysqlPool:", !!global.useMysqlPool);
// 两次请求之间停顿时间
global.sleepTime = 10;
// 引入utils
const songInfoUtils = require('./getInfo/songInfoUtils');
const artistInfoUtils = require('./getInfo/artistInfoUtils');
@ -57,19 +54,26 @@ async function main(args) {
// var affectedRows2 = await dbUtils.query(`DELETE FROM song_album_relation WHERE song_id = 0 OR album_id = 0`, []);
// console.log(`删除脏数据 affectedRows:`, affectedRows1.affectedRows, affectedRows2.affectedRows);
if (args.utils == "song")
switch (args.utils) {
case 'song':
await songInfoUtils.fetchAll({ args: args });
else if (args.utils == "album")
case 'album':
await albumInfoUtils.fetchAll({ args: args });
else if (args.utils == "artist")
case 'artist':
await artistInfoUtils.fetchAll({ args: args });
else if (args.utils == "lyric")
case 'lyric':
await lyricInfoUtils.fetchAll({ args: args });
else if (args.utils == "comment")
case 'comment':
await commentUtils.fetchAll({ args: args });
else if (args.utils == "playlist")
case 'playlist':
await playlistUtils.fetchAll({ args: args });
else {
@ -22,15 +22,21 @@ node index --utils lyric --min 0 --max 400000000
node index --utils playlist #
通过一首歌,查出对应的artist和album,然后顺藤摸瓜查出网易云的其他song, album, artist, lyric, comment等
插入rel表的时候同时插入 wait_check_xx 表,然后后续检查这个表,如果不存在,那么就插入对应的 wait_fetch_xxx 表
之后查出 wait_fetch_xxx 表,进行数据拉取,形成闭环
Reference in New Issue
Block a user