import { NativeModules, Platform } from 'react-native'; const LINKING_ERROR = `The package '@uiw/react-native-alipay' doesn't seem to be linked. Make sure: \n\n` +{ ios: "- You have run 'pod install'\n", default: '' }) + '- You rebuilt the app after installing the package\n' + '- You are not using Expo managed workflow\n'; console.log(':::NativeModules:::', NativeModules.RNAlipay) const RNAlipay = NativeModules.RNAlipay ? NativeModules.RNAlipay : new Proxy( {}, { get() { throw new Error(LINKING_ERROR); }, } ); // console.log('>RNAlipay1111>', RNAlipay.setAlipayScheme) // console.log('>>NativeModules.RNAlipay:', NativeModules.RNAlipay) export default class Alipay { /** * 支付 * @param orderInfo 支付详情 * @returns result 支付宝回调结果 */ static alipay(orderInfo) { return; } /** * 快速登录授权 * @param authInfoStr 验证详情 * @returns result 支付宝回调结果 详情见 */ static authInfo(authInfoStr) { return NativeModules.RNAlipay.authInfo(authInfoStr) } /** * 获取当前版本号 * @return 当前版本字符串 */ static getVersion() { return NativeModules.RNAlipay.getVersion() } /** * 设置支付宝跳转Scheme,仅 iOS * @param scheme * @platform ios */ static setAlipayScheme(scheme) { if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { NativeModules.RNAlipay.setAlipayScheme(scheme); } } /** * 设置支付宝沙箱环境,仅 Android * @param isSandBox * @platform android */ static setAlipaySandbox(isSandBox) { if (Platform.OS === 'android') { NativeModules.RNAlipay.setAlipaySandbox(isSandBox); } } }