There are some red and blue tiles arranged circularly. You are given an array of integers colors and a 2D integers array queries.

The color of tile i is represented by colors[i]:

An alternating group is a contiguous subset of tiles in the circle with alternating colors (each tile in the group except the first and last one has a different color from its adjacent tiles in the group).

You have to process queries of two types:

Return an array answer containing the results of the queries of the first type in order.

Note that since colors represents a circle, the first and the last tiles are considered to be next to each other.


Example 1:

Input: colors = [0,1,1,0,1], queries = [[2,1,0],[1,4]]

Output: [2]


First query:

Change colors[1] to 0.

Second query:

Count of the alternating groups with size 4:

Example 2:

Input: colors = [0,0,1,0,1,1], queries = [[1,3],[2,3,0],[1,5]]

Output: [2,0]


First query:

Count of the alternating groups with size 3:

Second query: colors will not change.

Third query: There is no alternating group with size 5.

