<p>Table: <code>Products</code></p>

| Column Name | Type    |
| product_id  | int     |
| low_fats    | enum    |
| recyclable  | enum    |
product_id is the primary key (column with unique values) for this table.
low_fats is an ENUM (category) of type (&#39;Y&#39;, &#39;N&#39;) where &#39;Y&#39; means this product is low fat and &#39;N&#39; means it is not.
recyclable is an ENUM (category) of types (&#39;Y&#39;, &#39;N&#39;) where &#39;Y&#39; means this product is recyclable and &#39;N&#39; means it is not.</pre>


<p>Write a solution to find the ids of products that are both low fat and recyclable.</p>

<p>Return the result table in <strong>any order</strong>.</p>

<p>The result format is in the following example.</p>

<p><strong class="example">Example 1:</strong></p>

Products table:
| product_id  | low_fats | recyclable |
| 0           | Y        | N          |
| 1           | Y        | Y          |
| 2           | N        | Y          |
| 3           | Y        | Y          |
| 4           | N        | N          |
| product_id  |
| 1           |
| 3           |
<strong>Explanation:</strong> Only products 1 and 3 are both low fat and recyclable.