{ "data": { "question": { "questionId": "2196", "questionFrontendId": "2074", "categoryTitle": "Algorithms", "boundTopicId": 1097207, "title": "Reverse Nodes in Even Length Groups", "titleSlug": "reverse-nodes-in-even-length-groups", "content": "

You are given the head of a linked list.


The nodes in the linked list are sequentially assigned to non-empty groups whose lengths form the sequence of the natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, ...). The length of a group is the number of nodes assigned to it. In other words,


Note that the length of the last group may be less than or equal to 1 + the length of the second to last group.


Reverse the nodes in each group with an even length, and return the head of the modified linked list.




Example 1:

\nInput: head = [5,2,6,3,9,1,7,3,8,4]\nOutput: [5,6,2,3,9,1,4,8,3,7]\nExplanation:\n- The length of the first group is 1, which is odd, hence no reversal occurs.\n- The length of the second group is 2, which is even, hence the nodes are reversed.\n- The length of the third group is 3, which is odd, hence no reversal occurs.\n- The length of the last group is 4, which is even, hence the nodes are reversed.\n

Example 2:

\nInput: head = [1,1,0,6]\nOutput: [1,0,1,6]\nExplanation:\n- The length of the first group is 1. No reversal occurs.\n- The length of the second group is 2. The nodes are reversed.\n- The length of the last group is 1. No reversal occurs.\n

Example 3:

\nInput: head = [1,1,0,6,5]\nOutput: [1,0,1,5,6]\nExplanation:\n- The length of the first group is 1. No reversal occurs.\n- The length of the second group is 2. The nodes are reversed.\n- The length of the last group is 2. The nodes are reversed.\n




\n\n\n", "translatedTitle": "反转偶数长度组的节点", "translatedContent": "

给你一个链表的头节点 head


链表中的节点 按顺序 划分成若干 非空 组,这些非空组的长度构成一个自然数序列(1, 2, 3, 4, ...)。一个组的 长度 就是组中分配到的节点数目。换句话说:


注意,最后一组的长度可能小于或者等于 1 + 倒数第二组的长度


反转 每个 偶数 长度组中的节点,并返回修改后链表的头节点 head




示例 1:



\n输入:head = [5,2,6,3,9,1,7,3,8,4]\n输出:[5,6,2,3,9,1,4,8,3,7]\n解释:\n- 第一组长度为 1 ,奇数,没有发生反转。\n- 第二组长度为 2 ,偶数,节点反转。\n- 第三组长度为 3 ,奇数,没有发生反转。\n- 最后一组长度为 4 ,偶数,节点反转。\n

示例 2:



\n输入:head = [1,1,0,6]\n输出:[1,0,1,6]\n解释:\n- 第一组长度为 1 ,没有发生反转。\n- 第二组长度为 2 ,节点反转。\n- 最后一组长度为 1 ,没有发生反转。\n

示例 3:



\n输入:head = [2,1]\n输出:[2,1]\n解释:\n- 第一组长度为 1 ,没有发生反转。\n- 最后一组长度为 1 ,没有发生反转。\n




\n\n\n", "isPaidOnly": false, "difficulty": "Medium", "likes": 28, "dislikes": 0, "isLiked": null, "similarQuestions": "[]", "contributors": [], "langToValidPlayground": "{\"cpp\": true, \"java\": true, \"python\": true, \"python3\": true, \"mysql\": false, \"mssql\": false, \"oraclesql\": false, \"c\": false, \"csharp\": false, \"javascript\": false, \"typescript\": false, \"bash\": false, \"php\": false, \"swift\": false, \"kotlin\": false, \"dart\": false, \"golang\": false, \"ruby\": false, \"scala\": false, \"html\": false, \"pythonml\": false, \"rust\": false, \"racket\": false, \"erlang\": false, \"elixir\": false, \"pythondata\": false, \"react\": false, \"vanillajs\": false, \"postgresql\": false}", "topicTags": [ { "name": "Linked List", "slug": "linked-list", "translatedName": "链表", "__typename": "TopicTagNode" } ], "companyTagStats": null, "codeSnippets": [ { "lang": "C++", "langSlug": "cpp", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * struct ListNode {\n * int val;\n * ListNode *next;\n * ListNode() : val(0), next(nullptr) {}\n * ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(nullptr) {}\n * ListNode(int x, ListNode *next) : val(x), next(next) {}\n * };\n */\nclass Solution {\npublic:\n ListNode* reverseEvenLengthGroups(ListNode* head) {\n \n }\n};", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Java", "langSlug": "java", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * public class ListNode {\n * int val;\n * ListNode next;\n * ListNode() {}\n * ListNode(int val) { this.val = val; }\n * ListNode(int val, ListNode next) { this.val = val; this.next = next; }\n * }\n */\nclass Solution {\n public ListNode reverseEvenLengthGroups(ListNode head) {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Python", "langSlug": "python", "code": "# Definition for singly-linked list.\n# class ListNode(object):\n# def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):\n# self.val = val\n# self.next = next\nclass Solution(object):\n def reverseEvenLengthGroups(self, head):\n \"\"\"\n :type head: Optional[ListNode]\n :rtype: Optional[ListNode]\n \"\"\"", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Python3", "langSlug": "python3", "code": "# Definition for singly-linked list.\n# class ListNode:\n# def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):\n# self.val = val\n# self.next = next\nclass Solution:\n def reverseEvenLengthGroups(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]:", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "C", "langSlug": "c", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * struct ListNode {\n * int val;\n * struct ListNode *next;\n * };\n */\nstruct ListNode* reverseEvenLengthGroups(struct ListNode* head) {\n \n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "C#", "langSlug": "csharp", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * public class ListNode {\n * public int val;\n * public ListNode next;\n * public ListNode(int val=0, ListNode next=null) {\n * this.val = val;\n * this.next = next;\n * }\n * }\n */\npublic class Solution {\n public ListNode ReverseEvenLengthGroups(ListNode head) {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "JavaScript", "langSlug": "javascript", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * function ListNode(val, next) {\n * this.val = (val===undefined ? 0 : val)\n * this.next = (next===undefined ? null : next)\n * }\n */\n/**\n * @param {ListNode} head\n * @return {ListNode}\n */\nvar reverseEvenLengthGroups = function(head) {\n\n};", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "TypeScript", "langSlug": "typescript", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * class ListNode {\n * val: number\n * next: ListNode | null\n * constructor(val?: number, next?: ListNode | null) {\n * this.val = (val===undefined ? 0 : val)\n * this.next = (next===undefined ? null : next)\n * }\n * }\n */\n\nfunction reverseEvenLengthGroups(head: ListNode | null): ListNode | null {\n \n};", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "PHP", "langSlug": "php", "code": "/**\n * Definition for a singly-linked list.\n * class ListNode {\n * public $val = 0;\n * public $next = null;\n * function __construct($val = 0, $next = null) {\n * $this->val = $val;\n * $this->next = $next;\n * }\n * }\n */\nclass Solution {\n\n /**\n * @param ListNode $head\n * @return ListNode\n */\n function reverseEvenLengthGroups($head) {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Swift", "langSlug": "swift", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * public class ListNode {\n * public var val: Int\n * public var next: ListNode?\n * public init() { self.val = 0; self.next = nil; }\n * public init(_ val: Int) { self.val = val; self.next = nil; }\n * public init(_ val: Int, _ next: ListNode?) { self.val = val; self.next = next; }\n * }\n */\nclass Solution {\n func reverseEvenLengthGroups(_ head: ListNode?) -> ListNode? {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Kotlin", "langSlug": "kotlin", "code": "/**\n * Example:\n * var li = ListNode(5)\n * var v = li.`val`\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * class ListNode(var `val`: Int) {\n * var next: ListNode? = null\n * }\n */\nclass Solution {\n fun reverseEvenLengthGroups(head: ListNode?): ListNode? {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Dart", "langSlug": "dart", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * class ListNode {\n * int val;\n * ListNode? next;\n * ListNode([this.val = 0, this.next]);\n * }\n */\nclass Solution {\n ListNode? reverseEvenLengthGroups(ListNode? head) {\n \n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Go", "langSlug": "golang", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * type ListNode struct {\n * Val int\n * Next *ListNode\n * }\n */\nfunc reverseEvenLengthGroups(head *ListNode) *ListNode {\n\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Ruby", "langSlug": "ruby", "code": "# Definition for singly-linked list.\n# class ListNode\n# attr_accessor :val, :next\n# def initialize(val = 0, _next = nil)\n# @val = val\n# @next = _next\n# end\n# end\n# @param {ListNode} head\n# @return {ListNode}\ndef reverse_even_length_groups(head)\n\nend", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Scala", "langSlug": "scala", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * class ListNode(_x: Int = 0, _next: ListNode = null) {\n * var next: ListNode = _next\n * var x: Int = _x\n * }\n */\nobject Solution {\n def reverseEvenLengthGroups(head: ListNode): ListNode = {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Rust", "langSlug": "rust", "code": "// Definition for singly-linked list.\n// #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]\n// pub struct ListNode {\n// pub val: i32,\n// pub next: Option>\n// }\n//\n// impl ListNode {\n// #[inline]\n// fn new(val: i32) -> Self {\n// ListNode {\n// next: None,\n// val\n// }\n// }\n// }\nimpl Solution {\n pub fn reverse_even_length_groups(head: Option>) -> Option> {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Racket", "langSlug": "racket", "code": "; Definition for singly-linked list:\n#|\n\n; val : integer?\n; next : (or/c list-node? #f)\n(struct list-node\n (val next) #:mutable #:transparent)\n\n; constructor\n(define (make-list-node [val 0])\n (list-node val #f))\n\n|#\n\n(define/contract (reverse-even-length-groups head)\n (-> (or/c list-node? #f) (or/c list-node? #f))\n )", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Erlang", "langSlug": "erlang", "code": "%% Definition for singly-linked list.\n%%\n%% -record(list_node, {val = 0 :: integer(),\n%% next = null :: 'null' | #list_node{}}).\n\n-spec reverse_even_length_groups(Head :: #list_node{} | null) -> #list_node{} | null.\nreverse_even_length_groups(Head) ->\n .", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Elixir", "langSlug": "elixir", "code": "# Definition for singly-linked list.\n#\n# defmodule ListNode do\n# @type t :: %__MODULE__{\n# val: integer,\n# next: ListNode.t() | nil\n# }\n# defstruct val: 0, next: nil\n# end\n\ndefmodule Solution do\n @spec reverse_even_length_groups(head :: ListNode.t | nil) :: ListNode.t | nil\n def reverse_even_length_groups(head) do\n \n end\nend", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" } ], "stats": "{\"totalAccepted\": \"7.1K\", \"totalSubmission\": \"15.4K\", \"totalAcceptedRaw\": 7147, \"totalSubmissionRaw\": 15438, \"acRate\": \"46.3%\"}", "hints": [ "Consider the list structure ...A → (B → ... → C) → D..., where the nodes between B and C (inclusive) form a group, A is the last node of the previous group, and D is the first node of the next group. How can you utilize this structure?", "Suppose you have B → ... → C reversed (because it was of even length) so that it is now C → ... → B. What references do you need to fix so that the transitions between the previous, current, and next groups are correct?", "A.next should be set to C, and B.next should be set to D.", "Once the current group is finished being modified, you need to find the new A, B, C, and D nodes for the next group. How can you use the old A, B, C, and D nodes to find the new ones?", "The new A is either the old B or old C depending on if the group was of even or odd length. The new B is always the old D. The new C and D can be found based on the new B and the next group's length.", "You can set the initial values of A, B, C, and D to A = null, B = head, C = head, D = head.next. Repeat the steps from the previous hints until D is null." ], "solution": null, "status": null, "sampleTestCase": "[5,2,6,3,9,1,7,3,8,4]", "metaData": "{\n \"name\": \"reverseEvenLengthGroups\",\n \"params\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"head\",\n \"type\": \"ListNode\"\n }\n ],\n \"return\": {\n \"type\": \"ListNode\"\n }\n}", "judgerAvailable": true, "judgeType": "large", "mysqlSchemas": [], "enableRunCode": true, "envInfo": "{\"cpp\":[\"C++\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aclang 11<\\/code> \\u91c7\\u7528\\u6700\\u65b0C++ 20\\u6807\\u51c6\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u7f16\\u8bd1\\u65f6\\uff0c\\u5c06\\u4f1a\\u91c7\\u7528-O2<\\/code>\\u7ea7\\u4f18\\u5316\\u3002AddressSanitizer<\\/a> \\u4e5f\\u88ab\\u5f00\\u542f\\u6765\\u68c0\\u6d4bout-of-bounds<\\/code>\\u548cuse-after-free<\\/code>\\u9519\\u8bef\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n


\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aOpenJDK 17<\\/code>\\u3002\\u53ef\\u4ee5\\u4f7f\\u7528Java 8\\u7684\\u7279\\u6027\\u4f8b\\u5982\\uff0clambda expressions \\u548c stream API\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n


\\u5305\\u542b Pair \\u7c7b: https:\\/\\/docs.oracle.com\\/javase\\/8\\/javafx\\/api\\/javafx\\/util\\/Pair.html <\\/p>\"],\"python\":[\"Python\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1a Python 2.7.12<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u4e3a\\u4e86\\u65b9\\u4fbf\\u8d77\\u89c1\\uff0c\\u5927\\u90e8\\u5206\\u5e38\\u7528\\u5e93\\u5df2\\u7ecf\\u88ab\\u81ea\\u52a8 \\u5bfc\\u5165\\uff0c\\u5982\\uff1aarray<\\/a>, bisect<\\/a>, collections<\\/a>\\u3002\\u5982\\u679c\\u60a8\\u9700\\u8981\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u5176\\u4ed6\\u5e93\\u51fd\\u6570\\uff0c\\u8bf7\\u81ea\\u884c\\u5bfc\\u5165\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u6ce8\\u610f Python 2.7 \\u5c06\\u57282020\\u5e74\\u540e\\u4e0d\\u518d\\u7ef4\\u62a4<\\/a>\\u3002 \\u5982\\u60f3\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u6700\\u65b0\\u7248\\u7684Python\\uff0c\\u8bf7\\u9009\\u62e9Python 3\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"c\":[\"C\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aGCC 8.2<\\/code>\\uff0c\\u91c7\\u7528GNU11\\u6807\\u51c6\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u7f16\\u8bd1\\u65f6\\uff0c\\u5c06\\u4f1a\\u91c7\\u7528-O1<\\/code>\\u7ea7\\u4f18\\u5316\\u3002 AddressSanitizer<\\/a>\\u4e5f\\u88ab\\u5f00\\u542f\\u6765\\u68c0\\u6d4bout-of-bounds<\\/code>\\u548cuse-after-free<\\/code>\\u9519\\u8bef\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n


\\u5982\\u60f3\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u54c8\\u5e0c\\u8868\\u8fd0\\u7b97, \\u60a8\\u53ef\\u4ee5\\u4f7f\\u7528 uthash<\\/a>\\u3002 \\\"uthash.h\\\"\\u5df2\\u7ecf\\u9ed8\\u8ba4\\u88ab\\u5bfc\\u5165\\u3002\\u8bf7\\u770b\\u5982\\u4e0b\\u793a\\u4f8b:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

1. \\u5f80\\u54c8\\u5e0c\\u8868\\u4e2d\\u6dfb\\u52a0\\u4e00\\u4e2a\\u5bf9\\u8c61\\uff1a<\\/b>\\r\\n

\\r\\nstruct hash_entry {\\r\\n    int id;            \\/* we'll use this field as the key *\\/\\r\\n    char name[10];\\r\\n    UT_hash_handle hh; \\/* makes this structure hashable *\\/\\r\\n};\\r\\n\\r\\nstruct hash_entry *users = NULL;\\r\\n\\r\\nvoid add_user(struct hash_entry *s) {\\r\\n    HASH_ADD_INT(users, id, s);\\r\\n}\\r\\n<\\/pre>\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

2. \\u5728\\u54c8\\u5e0c\\u8868\\u4e2d\\u67e5\\u627e\\u4e00\\u4e2a\\u5bf9\\u8c61\\uff1a<\\/b>\\r\\n

\\r\\nstruct hash_entry *find_user(int user_id) {\\r\\n    struct hash_entry *s;\\r\\n    HASH_FIND_INT(users, &user_id, s);\\r\\n    return s;\\r\\n}\\r\\n<\\/pre>\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

3. \\u4ece\\u54c8\\u5e0c\\u8868\\u4e2d\\u5220\\u9664\\u4e00\\u4e2a\\u5bf9\\u8c61\\uff1a<\\/b>\\r\\n

\\r\\nvoid delete_user(struct hash_entry *user) {\\r\\n    HASH_DEL(users, user);  \\r\\n}\\r\\n<\\/pre>\\r\\n<\\/p>\"],\"csharp\":[\"C#\",\"

C# 10<\\/a> \\u8fd0\\u884c\\u5728 .NET 6 \\u4e0a<\\/p>\"],\"javascript\":[\"JavaScript\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aNode.js 16.13.2<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u60a8\\u7684\\u4ee3\\u7801\\u5728\\u6267\\u884c\\u65f6\\u5c06\\u5e26\\u4e0a --harmony<\\/code> \\u6807\\u8bb0\\u6765\\u5f00\\u542f \\u65b0\\u7248ES6\\u7279\\u6027<\\/a>\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

lodash.js<\\/a> \\u5e93\\u5df2\\u7ecf\\u9ed8\\u8ba4\\u88ab\\u5305\\u542b\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u5982\\u9700\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u961f\\u5217\\/\\u4f18\\u5148\\u961f\\u5217\\uff0c\\u60a8\\u53ef\\u4f7f\\u7528 datastructures-js\\/priority-queue@5.3.0<\\/a> \\u548c datastructures-js\\/queue@4.2.1<\\/a>\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"ruby\":[\"Ruby\",\"

\\u4f7f\\u7528Ruby 3.1<\\/code>\\u6267\\u884c<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u4e00\\u4e9b\\u5e38\\u7528\\u7684\\u6570\\u636e\\u7ed3\\u6784\\u5df2\\u5728 Algorithms \\u6a21\\u5757\\u4e2d\\u63d0\\u4f9b\\uff1ahttps:\\/\\/www.rubydoc.info\\/github\\/kanwei\\/algorithms\\/Algorithms<\\/p>\"],\"swift\":[\"Swift\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aSwift 5.5.2<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u6211\\u4eec\\u901a\\u5e38\\u4fdd\\u8bc1\\u66f4\\u65b0\\u5230 Apple\\u653e\\u51fa\\u7684\\u6700\\u65b0\\u7248Swift<\\/a>\\u3002\\u5982\\u679c\\u60a8\\u53d1\\u73b0Swift\\u4e0d\\u662f\\u6700\\u65b0\\u7248\\u7684\\uff0c\\u8bf7\\u8054\\u7cfb\\u6211\\u4eec\\uff01\\u6211\\u4eec\\u5c06\\u5c3d\\u5feb\\u66f4\\u65b0\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"golang\":[\"Go\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aGo 1.21<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u652f\\u6301 https:\\/\\/godoc.org\\/github.com\\/emirpasic\\/gods@v1.18.1<\\/a> \\u7b2c\\u4e09\\u65b9\\u5e93\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"python3\":[\"Python3\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aPython 3.10<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u4e3a\\u4e86\\u65b9\\u4fbf\\u8d77\\u89c1\\uff0c\\u5927\\u90e8\\u5206\\u5e38\\u7528\\u5e93\\u5df2\\u7ecf\\u88ab\\u81ea\\u52a8 \\u5bfc\\u5165\\uff0c\\u5982array<\\/a>, bisect<\\/a>, collections<\\/a>\\u3002 \\u5982\\u679c\\u60a8\\u9700\\u8981\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u5176\\u4ed6\\u5e93\\u51fd\\u6570\\uff0c\\u8bf7\\u81ea\\u884c\\u5bfc\\u5165\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u5982\\u9700\\u4f7f\\u7528 Map\\/TreeMap \\u6570\\u636e\\u7ed3\\u6784\\uff0c\\u60a8\\u53ef\\u4f7f\\u7528 sortedcontainers<\\/a> \\u5e93\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"scala\":[\"Scala\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aScala 2.13<\\/code><\\/p>\"],\"kotlin\":[\"Kotlin\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aKotlin 1.9.0<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u6211\\u4eec\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u7684\\u662f JetBrains \\u63d0\\u4f9b\\u7684 experimental compiler\\u3002\\u5982\\u679c\\u60a8\\u8ba4\\u4e3a\\u60a8\\u9047\\u5230\\u4e86\\u7f16\\u8bd1\\u5668\\u76f8\\u5173\\u7684\\u95ee\\u9898\\uff0c\\u8bf7\\u5411\\u6211\\u4eec\\u53cd\\u9988<\\/p>\"],\"rust\":[\"Rust\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1arust 1.58.1<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u652f\\u6301 crates.io \\u7684 rand<\\/a><\\/p>\"],\"php\":[\"PHP\",\"

PHP 8.1<\\/code>.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

With bcmath module.<\\/p>\"],\"typescript\":[\"TypeScript\",\"

TypeScript 5.1.6<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

Compile Options: --alwaysStrict --strictBindCallApply --strictFunctionTypes --target ES2022<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

lodash.js<\\/a> \\u5e93\\u5df2\\u7ecf\\u9ed8\\u8ba4\\u88ab\\u5305\\u542b\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u5982\\u9700\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u961f\\u5217\\/\\u4f18\\u5148\\u961f\\u5217\\uff0c\\u60a8\\u53ef\\u4f7f\\u7528 datastructures-js\\/priority-queue@5.3.0<\\/a> \\u548c datastructures-js\\/queue@4.2.1<\\/a>\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"racket\":[\"Racket\",\"

Racket CS<\\/a> v8.3<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u4f7f\\u7528 #lang racket<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u5df2\\u9884\\u5148 (require data\\/gvector data\\/queue data\\/order data\\/heap). \\u82e5\\u9700\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u5176\\u5b83\\u6570\\u636e\\u7ed3\\u6784\\uff0c\\u53ef\\u81ea\\u884c require\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"erlang\":[\"Erlang\",\"Erlang\\/OTP 24.2\"],\"elixir\":[\"Elixir\",\"Elixir 1.13.0 with Erlang\\/OTP 24.2\"],\"dart\":[\"Dart\",\"

Dart 2.17.3<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u60a8\\u7684\\u4ee3\\u7801\\u5c06\\u4f1a\\u88ab\\u4e0d\\u7f16\\u8bd1\\u76f4\\u63a5\\u8fd0\\u884c<\\/p>\"]}", "book": null, "isSubscribed": false, "isDailyQuestion": false, "dailyRecordStatus": null, "editorType": "CKEDITOR", "ugcQuestionId": null, "style": "LEETCODE", "exampleTestcases": "[5,2,6,3,9,1,7,3,8,4]\n[1,1,0,6]\n[1,1,0,6,5]", "__typename": "QuestionNode" } } }