{ "data": { "question": { "questionId": "2182", "questionFrontendId": "2058", "categoryTitle": "Algorithms", "boundTopicId": 1072341, "title": "Find the Minimum and Maximum Number of Nodes Between Critical Points", "titleSlug": "find-the-minimum-and-maximum-number-of-nodes-between-critical-points", "content": "

A critical point in a linked list is defined as either a local maxima or a local minima.


A node is a local maxima if the current node has a value strictly greater than the previous node and the next node.


A node is a local minima if the current node has a value strictly smaller than the previous node and the next node.


Note that a node can only be a local maxima/minima if there exists both a previous node and a next node.


Given a linked list head, return an array of length 2 containing [minDistance, maxDistance] where minDistance is the minimum distance between any two distinct critical points and maxDistance is the maximum distance between any two distinct critical points. If there are fewer than two critical points, return [-1, -1].




Example 1:

\nInput: head = [3,1]\nOutput: [-1,-1]\nExplanation: There are no critical points in [3,1].\n

Example 2:

\nInput: head = [5,3,1,2,5,1,2]\nOutput: [1,3]\nExplanation: There are three critical points:\n- [5,3,1,2,5,1,2]: The third node is a local minima because 1 is less than 3 and 2.\n- [5,3,1,2,5,1,2]: The fifth node is a local maxima because 5 is greater than 2 and 1.\n- [5,3,1,2,5,1,2]: The sixth node is a local minima because 1 is less than 5 and 2.\nThe minimum distance is between the fifth and the sixth node. minDistance = 6 - 5 = 1.\nThe maximum distance is between the third and the sixth node. maxDistance = 6 - 3 = 3.\n

Example 3:

\nInput: head = [1,3,2,2,3,2,2,2,7]\nOutput: [3,3]\nExplanation: There are two critical points:\n- [1,3,2,2,3,2,2,2,7]: The second node is a local maxima because 3 is greater than 1 and 2.\n- [1,3,2,2,3,2,2,2,7]: The fifth node is a local maxima because 3 is greater than 2 and 2.\nBoth the minimum and maximum distances are between the second and the fifth node.\nThus, minDistance and maxDistance is 5 - 2 = 3.\nNote that the last node is not considered a local maxima because it does not have a next node.\n




\n\n\n", "translatedTitle": "找出临界点之间的最小和最大距离", "translatedContent": "

链表中的 临界点 定义为一个 局部极大值点 局部极小值点 。


如果当前节点的值 严格大于 前一个节点和后一个节点,那么这个节点就是一个  局部极大值点


如果当前节点的值 严格小于 前一个节点和后一个节点,那么这个节点就是一个  局部极小值点


注意:节点只有在同时存在前一个节点和后一个节点的情况下,才能成为一个 局部极大值点 / 极小值点


给你一个链表 head ,返回一个长度为 2 的数组 [minDistance, maxDistance] ,其中 minDistance 是任意两个不同临界点之间的最小距离,maxDistance 是任意两个不同临界点之间的最大距离。如果临界点少于两个,则返回 [-1,-1]




示例 1:



\n输入:head = [3,1]\n输出:[-1,-1]\n解释:链表 [3,1] 中不存在临界点。\n

示例 2:



\n输入:head = [5,3,1,2,5,1,2]\n输出:[1,3]\n解释:存在三个临界点:\n- [5,3,1,2,5,1,2]:第三个节点是一个局部极小值点,因为 1 比 3 和 2 小。\n- [5,3,1,2,5,1,2]:第五个节点是一个局部极大值点,因为 5 比 2 和 1 大。\n- [5,3,1,2,5,1,2]:第六个节点是一个局部极小值点,因为 1 比 5 和 2 小。\n第五个节点和第六个节点之间距离最小。minDistance = 6 - 5 = 1 。\n第三个节点和第六个节点之间距离最大。maxDistance = 6 - 3 = 3 。\n

示例 3:



\n输入:head = [1,3,2,2,3,2,2,2,7]\n输出:[3,3]\n解释:存在两个临界点:\n- [1,3,2,2,3,2,2,2,7]:第二个节点是一个局部极大值点,因为 3 比 1 和 2 大。\n- [1,3,2,2,3,2,2,2,7]:第五个节点是一个局部极大值点,因为 3 比 2 和 2 大。\n最小和最大距离都存在于第二个节点和第五个节点之间。\n因此,minDistance 和 maxDistance 是 5 - 2 = 3 。\n注意,最后一个节点不算一个局部极大值点,因为它之后就没有节点了。\n

示例 4:



\n输入:head = [2,3,3,2]\n输出:[-1,-1]\n解释:链表 [2,3,3,2] 中不存在临界点。\n




\n\n\n", "isPaidOnly": false, "difficulty": "Medium", "likes": 9, "dislikes": 0, "isLiked": null, "similarQuestions": "[]", "contributors": [], "langToValidPlayground": "{\"cpp\": true, \"java\": true, \"python\": true, \"python3\": true, \"mysql\": false, \"mssql\": false, \"oraclesql\": false, \"c\": false, \"csharp\": false, \"javascript\": false, \"ruby\": false, \"bash\": false, \"swift\": false, \"golang\": false, \"scala\": false, \"html\": false, \"pythonml\": false, \"kotlin\": false, \"rust\": false, \"php\": false, \"typescript\": false, \"racket\": false, \"erlang\": false, \"elixir\": false}", "topicTags": [ { "name": "Linked List", "slug": "linked-list", "translatedName": "链表", "__typename": "TopicTagNode" } ], "companyTagStats": null, "codeSnippets": [ { "lang": "C++", "langSlug": "cpp", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * struct ListNode {\n * int val;\n * ListNode *next;\n * ListNode() : val(0), next(nullptr) {}\n * ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(nullptr) {}\n * ListNode(int x, ListNode *next) : val(x), next(next) {}\n * };\n */\nclass Solution {\npublic:\n vector nodesBetweenCriticalPoints(ListNode* head) {\n \n }\n};", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Java", "langSlug": "java", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * public class ListNode {\n * int val;\n * ListNode next;\n * ListNode() {}\n * ListNode(int val) { this.val = val; }\n * ListNode(int val, ListNode next) { this.val = val; this.next = next; }\n * }\n */\nclass Solution {\n public int[] nodesBetweenCriticalPoints(ListNode head) {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Python", "langSlug": "python", "code": "# Definition for singly-linked list.\n# class ListNode(object):\n# def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):\n# self.val = val\n# self.next = next\nclass Solution(object):\n def nodesBetweenCriticalPoints(self, head):\n \"\"\"\n :type head: Optional[ListNode]\n :rtype: List[int]\n \"\"\"", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Python3", "langSlug": "python3", "code": "# Definition for singly-linked list.\n# class ListNode:\n# def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):\n# self.val = val\n# self.next = next\nclass Solution:\n def nodesBetweenCriticalPoints(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> List[int]:", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "C", "langSlug": "c", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * struct ListNode {\n * int val;\n * struct ListNode *next;\n * };\n */\n\n\n/**\n * Note: The returned array must be malloced, assume caller calls free().\n */\nint* nodesBetweenCriticalPoints(struct ListNode* head, int* returnSize){\n\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "C#", "langSlug": "csharp", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * public class ListNode {\n * public int val;\n * public ListNode next;\n * public ListNode(int val=0, ListNode next=null) {\n * this.val = val;\n * this.next = next;\n * }\n * }\n */\npublic class Solution {\n public int[] NodesBetweenCriticalPoints(ListNode head) {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "JavaScript", "langSlug": "javascript", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * function ListNode(val, next) {\n * this.val = (val===undefined ? 0 : val)\n * this.next = (next===undefined ? null : next)\n * }\n */\n/**\n * @param {ListNode} head\n * @return {number[]}\n */\nvar nodesBetweenCriticalPoints = function(head) {\n\n};", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Ruby", "langSlug": "ruby", "code": "# Definition for singly-linked list.\n# class ListNode\n# attr_accessor :val, :next\n# def initialize(val = 0, _next = nil)\n# @val = val\n# @next = _next\n# end\n# end\n# @param {ListNode} head\n# @return {Integer[]}\ndef nodes_between_critical_points(head)\n\nend", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Swift", "langSlug": "swift", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * public class ListNode {\n * public var val: Int\n * public var next: ListNode?\n * public init() { self.val = 0; self.next = nil; }\n * public init(_ val: Int) { self.val = val; self.next = nil; }\n * public init(_ val: Int, _ next: ListNode?) { self.val = val; self.next = next; }\n * }\n */\nclass Solution {\n func nodesBetweenCriticalPoints(_ head: ListNode?) -> [Int] {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Go", "langSlug": "golang", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * type ListNode struct {\n * Val int\n * Next *ListNode\n * }\n */\nfunc nodesBetweenCriticalPoints(head *ListNode) []int {\n\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Scala", "langSlug": "scala", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * class ListNode(_x: Int = 0, _next: ListNode = null) {\n * var next: ListNode = _next\n * var x: Int = _x\n * }\n */\nobject Solution {\n def nodesBetweenCriticalPoints(head: ListNode): Array[Int] = {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Kotlin", "langSlug": "kotlin", "code": "/**\n * Example:\n * var li = ListNode(5)\n * var v = li.`val`\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * class ListNode(var `val`: Int) {\n * var next: ListNode? = null\n * }\n */\nclass Solution {\n fun nodesBetweenCriticalPoints(head: ListNode?): IntArray {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Rust", "langSlug": "rust", "code": "// Definition for singly-linked list.\n// #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]\n// pub struct ListNode {\n// pub val: i32,\n// pub next: Option>\n// }\n//\n// impl ListNode {\n// #[inline]\n// fn new(val: i32) -> Self {\n// ListNode {\n// next: None,\n// val\n// }\n// }\n// }\nimpl Solution {\n pub fn nodes_between_critical_points(head: Option>) -> Vec {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "PHP", "langSlug": "php", "code": "/**\n * Definition for a singly-linked list.\n * class ListNode {\n * public $val = 0;\n * public $next = null;\n * function __construct($val = 0, $next = null) {\n * $this->val = $val;\n * $this->next = $next;\n * }\n * }\n */\nclass Solution {\n\n /**\n * @param ListNode $head\n * @return Integer[]\n */\n function nodesBetweenCriticalPoints($head) {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "TypeScript", "langSlug": "typescript", "code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * class ListNode {\n * val: number\n * next: ListNode | null\n * constructor(val?: number, next?: ListNode | null) {\n * this.val = (val===undefined ? 0 : val)\n * this.next = (next===undefined ? null : next)\n * }\n * }\n */\n\nfunction nodesBetweenCriticalPoints(head: ListNode | null): number[] {\n\n};", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Racket", "langSlug": "racket", "code": "; Definition for singly-linked list:\n#|\n\n; val : integer?\n; next : (or/c list-node? #f)\n(struct list-node\n (val next) #:mutable #:transparent)\n\n; constructor\n(define (make-list-node [val 0])\n (list-node val #f))\n\n|#\n\n(define/contract (nodes-between-critical-points head)\n (-> (or/c list-node? #f) (listof exact-integer?))\n\n )", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Erlang", "langSlug": "erlang", "code": "%% Definition for singly-linked list.\n%%\n%% -record(list_node, {val = 0 :: integer(),\n%% next = null :: 'null' | #list_node{}}).\n\n-spec nodes_between_critical_points(Head :: #list_node{} | null) -> [integer()].\nnodes_between_critical_points(Head) ->\n .", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Elixir", "langSlug": "elixir", "code": "# Definition for singly-linked list.\n#\n# defmodule ListNode do\n# @type t :: %__MODULE__{\n# val: integer,\n# next: ListNode.t() | nil\n# }\n# defstruct val: 0, next: nil\n# end\n\ndefmodule Solution do\n @spec nodes_between_critical_points(head :: ListNode.t | nil) :: [integer]\n def nodes_between_critical_points(head) do\n\n end\nend", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" } ], "stats": "{\"totalAccepted\": \"5.8K\", \"totalSubmission\": \"10.2K\", \"totalAcceptedRaw\": 5783, \"totalSubmissionRaw\": 10179, \"acRate\": \"56.8%\"}", "hints": [ "The maximum distance must be the distance between the first and last critical point.", "For each adjacent critical point, calculate the difference and check if it is the minimum distance." ], "solution": null, "status": null, "sampleTestCase": "[3,1]", "metaData": "{\n \"name\": \"nodesBetweenCriticalPoints\",\n \"params\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"head\",\n \"type\": \"ListNode\"\n }\n ],\n \"return\": {\n \"type\": \"integer[]\"\n }\n}", "judgerAvailable": true, "judgeType": "large", "mysqlSchemas": [], "enableRunCode": true, "envInfo": "{\"cpp\":[\"C++\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aclang 11<\\/code> \\u91c7\\u7528\\u6700\\u65b0C++ 17\\u6807\\u51c6\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u7f16\\u8bd1\\u65f6\\uff0c\\u5c06\\u4f1a\\u91c7\\u7528-O2<\\/code>\\u7ea7\\u4f18\\u5316\\u3002AddressSanitizer<\\/a> \\u4e5f\\u88ab\\u5f00\\u542f\\u6765\\u68c0\\u6d4bout-of-bounds<\\/code>\\u548cuse-after-free<\\/code>\\u9519\\u8bef\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n


\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aOpenJDK 17<\\/code>\\u3002\\u53ef\\u4ee5\\u4f7f\\u7528Java 8\\u7684\\u7279\\u6027\\u4f8b\\u5982\\uff0clambda expressions \\u548c stream API\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n


\\u5305\\u542b Pair \\u7c7b: https:\\/\\/docs.oracle.com\\/javase\\/8\\/javafx\\/api\\/javafx\\/util\\/Pair.html <\\/p>\"],\"python\":[\"Python\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1a Python 2.7.12<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u4e3a\\u4e86\\u65b9\\u4fbf\\u8d77\\u89c1\\uff0c\\u5927\\u90e8\\u5206\\u5e38\\u7528\\u5e93\\u5df2\\u7ecf\\u88ab\\u81ea\\u52a8 \\u5bfc\\u5165\\uff0c\\u5982\\uff1aarray<\\/a>, bisect<\\/a>, collections<\\/a>\\u3002\\u5982\\u679c\\u60a8\\u9700\\u8981\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u5176\\u4ed6\\u5e93\\u51fd\\u6570\\uff0c\\u8bf7\\u81ea\\u884c\\u5bfc\\u5165\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u6ce8\\u610f Python 2.7 \\u5c06\\u57282020\\u5e74\\u540e\\u4e0d\\u518d\\u7ef4\\u62a4<\\/a>\\u3002 \\u5982\\u60f3\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u6700\\u65b0\\u7248\\u7684Python\\uff0c\\u8bf7\\u9009\\u62e9Python 3\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"c\":[\"C\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aGCC 8.2<\\/code>\\uff0c\\u91c7\\u7528GNU99\\u6807\\u51c6\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u7f16\\u8bd1\\u65f6\\uff0c\\u5c06\\u4f1a\\u91c7\\u7528-O1<\\/code>\\u7ea7\\u4f18\\u5316\\u3002 AddressSanitizer<\\/a>\\u4e5f\\u88ab\\u5f00\\u542f\\u6765\\u68c0\\u6d4bout-of-bounds<\\/code>\\u548cuse-after-free<\\/code>\\u9519\\u8bef\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n


\\u5982\\u60f3\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u54c8\\u5e0c\\u8868\\u8fd0\\u7b97, \\u60a8\\u53ef\\u4ee5\\u4f7f\\u7528 uthash<\\/a>\\u3002 \\\"uthash.h\\\"\\u5df2\\u7ecf\\u9ed8\\u8ba4\\u88ab\\u5bfc\\u5165\\u3002\\u8bf7\\u770b\\u5982\\u4e0b\\u793a\\u4f8b:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

1. \\u5f80\\u54c8\\u5e0c\\u8868\\u4e2d\\u6dfb\\u52a0\\u4e00\\u4e2a\\u5bf9\\u8c61\\uff1a<\\/b>\\r\\n

\\r\\nstruct hash_entry {\\r\\n    int id;            \\/* we'll use this field as the key *\\/\\r\\n    char name[10];\\r\\n    UT_hash_handle hh; \\/* makes this structure hashable *\\/\\r\\n};\\r\\n\\r\\nstruct hash_entry *users = NULL;\\r\\n\\r\\nvoid add_user(struct hash_entry *s) {\\r\\n    HASH_ADD_INT(users, id, s);\\r\\n}\\r\\n<\\/pre>\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

2. \\u5728\\u54c8\\u5e0c\\u8868\\u4e2d\\u67e5\\u627e\\u4e00\\u4e2a\\u5bf9\\u8c61\\uff1a<\\/b>\\r\\n

\\r\\nstruct hash_entry *find_user(int user_id) {\\r\\n    struct hash_entry *s;\\r\\n    HASH_FIND_INT(users, &user_id, s);\\r\\n    return s;\\r\\n}\\r\\n<\\/pre>\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

3. \\u4ece\\u54c8\\u5e0c\\u8868\\u4e2d\\u5220\\u9664\\u4e00\\u4e2a\\u5bf9\\u8c61\\uff1a<\\/b>\\r\\n

\\r\\nvoid delete_user(struct hash_entry *user) {\\r\\n    HASH_DEL(users, user);  \\r\\n}\\r\\n<\\/pre>\\r\\n<\\/p>\"],\"csharp\":[\"C#\",\"

C# 10<\\/a> \\u8fd0\\u884c\\u5728 .NET 6 \\u4e0a<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n


\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aNode.js 16.13.2<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u60a8\\u7684\\u4ee3\\u7801\\u5728\\u6267\\u884c\\u65f6\\u5c06\\u5e26\\u4e0a --harmony<\\/code> \\u6807\\u8bb0\\u6765\\u5f00\\u542f \\u65b0\\u7248ES6\\u7279\\u6027<\\/a>\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

lodash.js<\\/a> \\u5e93\\u5df2\\u7ecf\\u9ed8\\u8ba4\\u88ab\\u5305\\u542b\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u5982\\u9700\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u961f\\u5217\\/\\u4f18\\u5148\\u961f\\u5217\\uff0c\\u60a8\\u53ef\\u4f7f\\u7528 datastructures-js\\/priority-queue<\\/a> \\u548c datastructures-js\\/queue<\\/a>\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"ruby\":[\"Ruby\",\"

\\u4f7f\\u7528Ruby 3.1<\\/code>\\u6267\\u884c<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u4e00\\u4e9b\\u5e38\\u7528\\u7684\\u6570\\u636e\\u7ed3\\u6784\\u5df2\\u5728 Algorithms \\u6a21\\u5757\\u4e2d\\u63d0\\u4f9b\\uff1ahttps:\\/\\/www.rubydoc.info\\/github\\/kanwei\\/algorithms\\/Algorithms<\\/p>\"],\"swift\":[\"Swift\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aSwift 5.5.2<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u6211\\u4eec\\u901a\\u5e38\\u4fdd\\u8bc1\\u66f4\\u65b0\\u5230 Apple\\u653e\\u51fa\\u7684\\u6700\\u65b0\\u7248Swift<\\/a>\\u3002\\u5982\\u679c\\u60a8\\u53d1\\u73b0Swift\\u4e0d\\u662f\\u6700\\u65b0\\u7248\\u7684\\uff0c\\u8bf7\\u8054\\u7cfb\\u6211\\u4eec\\uff01\\u6211\\u4eec\\u5c06\\u5c3d\\u5feb\\u66f4\\u65b0\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"golang\":[\"Go\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aGo 1.17<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u652f\\u6301 https:\\/\\/godoc.org\\/github.com\\/emirpasic\\/gods<\\/a> \\u7b2c\\u4e09\\u65b9\\u5e93\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"python3\":[\"Python3\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aPython 3.10<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u4e3a\\u4e86\\u65b9\\u4fbf\\u8d77\\u89c1\\uff0c\\u5927\\u90e8\\u5206\\u5e38\\u7528\\u5e93\\u5df2\\u7ecf\\u88ab\\u81ea\\u52a8 \\u5bfc\\u5165\\uff0c\\u5982array<\\/a>, bisect<\\/a>, collections<\\/a>\\u3002 \\u5982\\u679c\\u60a8\\u9700\\u8981\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u5176\\u4ed6\\u5e93\\u51fd\\u6570\\uff0c\\u8bf7\\u81ea\\u884c\\u5bfc\\u5165\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u5982\\u9700\\u4f7f\\u7528 Map\\/TreeMap \\u6570\\u636e\\u7ed3\\u6784\\uff0c\\u60a8\\u53ef\\u4f7f\\u7528 sortedcontainers<\\/a> \\u5e93\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"scala\":[\"Scala\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aScala 2.13<\\/code><\\/p>\"],\"kotlin\":[\"Kotlin\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aKotlin 1.3.10<\\/code><\\/p>\"],\"rust\":[\"Rust\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1arust 1.58.1<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u652f\\u6301 crates.io \\u7684 rand<\\/a><\\/p>\"],\"php\":[\"PHP\",\"

PHP 8.1<\\/code>.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

With bcmath module.<\\/p>\"],\"typescript\":[\"TypeScript\",\"

TypeScript 4.5.4<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

Compile Options: --alwaysStrict --strictBindCallApply --strictFunctionTypes --target ES2020<\\/p>\"],\"racket\":[\"Racket\",\"

Racket CS<\\/a> v8.3<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u4f7f\\u7528 #lang racket<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u5df2\\u9884\\u5148 (require data\\/gvector data\\/queue data\\/order data\\/heap). \\u82e5\\u9700\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u5176\\u5b83\\u6570\\u636e\\u7ed3\\u6784\\uff0c\\u53ef\\u81ea\\u884c require\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"erlang\":[\"Erlang\",\"Erlang\\/OTP 24.2\"],\"elixir\":[\"Elixir\",\"Elixir 1.13.0 with Erlang\\/OTP 24.2\"]}", "book": null, "isSubscribed": false, "isDailyQuestion": false, "dailyRecordStatus": null, "editorType": "CKEDITOR", "ugcQuestionId": null, "style": "LEETCODE", "exampleTestcases": "[3,1]\n[5,3,1,2,5,1,2]\n[1,3,2,2,3,2,2,2,7]", "__typename": "QuestionNode" } } }