<p>You are given an integer <code>num.</code> <strong>Rearrange</strong> the digits of <code>num</code> such that its value is <strong>minimized</strong> and it does not contain <strong>any</strong> leading zeros.</p> <p>Return <em>the rearranged number with minimal value</em>.</p> <p>Note that the sign of the number does not change after rearranging the digits.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Example 1:</strong></p> <pre> <strong>Input:</strong> num = 310 <strong>Output:</strong> 103 <strong>Explanation:</strong> The possible arrangements for the digits of 310 are 013, 031, 103, 130, 301, 310. The arrangement with the smallest value that does not contain any leading zeros is 103. </pre> <p><strong>Example 2:</strong></p> <pre> <strong>Input:</strong> num = -7605 <strong>Output:</strong> -7650 <strong>Explanation:</strong> Some possible arrangements for the digits of -7605 are -7650, -6705, -5076, -0567. The arrangement with the smallest value that does not contain any leading zeros is -7650. </pre> <p> </p> <p><strong>Constraints:</strong></p> <ul> <li><code>-10<sup>15</sup> <= num <= 10<sup>15</sup></code></li> </ul>