<p>You are currently designing a dynamic array. You are given a <strong>0-indexed</strong> integer array <code>nums</code>, where <code>nums[i]</code> is the number of elements that will be in the array at time <code>i</code>. In addition, you are given an integer <code>k</code>, the <strong>maximum</strong> number of times you can <strong>resize</strong> the array (to<strong> any</strong> size).</p> <p>The size of the array at time <code>t</code>, <code>size<sub>t</sub></code>, must be at least <code>nums[t]</code> because there needs to be enough space in the array to hold all the elements. The <strong>space wasted</strong> at time <code>t</code> is defined as <code>size<sub>t</sub> - nums[t]</code>, and the <strong>total</strong> space wasted is the <strong>sum</strong> of the space wasted across every time <code>t</code> where <code>0 <= t < nums.length</code>.</p> <p>Return <em>the <strong>minimum</strong> <strong>total space wasted</strong> if you can resize the array at most</em> <code>k</code> <em>times</em>.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> The array can have <strong>any size</strong> at the start and does<strong> not </strong>count towards the number of resizing operations.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong class="example">Example 1:</strong></p> <pre> <strong>Input:</strong> nums = [10,20], k = 0 <strong>Output:</strong> 10 <strong>Explanation:</strong> size = [20,20]. We can set the initial size to be 20. The total wasted space is (20 - 10) + (20 - 20) = 10. </pre> <p><strong class="example">Example 2:</strong></p> <pre> <strong>Input:</strong> nums = [10,20,30], k = 1 <strong>Output:</strong> 10 <strong>Explanation:</strong> size = [20,20,30]. We can set the initial size to be 20 and resize to 30 at time 2. The total wasted space is (20 - 10) + (20 - 20) + (30 - 30) = 10. </pre> <p><strong class="example">Example 3:</strong></p> <pre> <strong>Input:</strong> nums = [10,20,15,30,20], k = 2 <strong>Output:</strong> 15 <strong>Explanation:</strong> size = [10,20,20,30,30]. We can set the initial size to 10, resize to 20 at time 1, and resize to 30 at time 3. The total wasted space is (10 - 10) + (20 - 20) + (20 - 15) + (30 - 30) + (30 - 20) = 15. </pre> <p> </p> <p><strong>Constraints:</strong></p> <ul> <li><code>1 <= nums.length <= 200</code></li> <li><code>1 <= nums[i] <= 10<sup>6</sup></code></li> <li><code>0 <= k <= nums.length - 1</code></li> </ul>