{ "data": { "question": { "questionId": "1317", "questionFrontendId": "1193", "categoryTitle": "Database", "boundTopicId": 27992, "title": "Monthly Transactions I", "titleSlug": "monthly-transactions-i", "content": "
Table: Transactions
\n+---------------+---------+\n| Column Name | Type |\n+---------------+---------+\n| id | int |\n| country | varchar |\n| state | enum |\n| amount | int |\n| trans_date | date |\n+---------------+---------+\nid is the primary key of this table.\nThe table has information about incoming transactions.\nThe state column is an enum of type ["approved", "declined"].\n\n\n
Write an SQL query to find for each month and country, the number of transactions and their total amount, the number of approved transactions and their total amount.
\n\nReturn the result table in any order.
\n\nThe query result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
\n\n\nInput: \nTransactions table:\n+------+---------+----------+--------+------------+\n| id | country | state | amount | trans_date |\n+------+---------+----------+--------+------------+\n| 121 | US | approved | 1000 | 2018-12-18 |\n| 122 | US | declined | 2000 | 2018-12-19 |\n| 123 | US | approved | 2000 | 2019-01-01 |\n| 124 | DE | approved | 2000 | 2019-01-07 |\n+------+---------+----------+--------+------------+\nOutput: \n+----------+---------+-------------+----------------+--------------------+-----------------------+\n| month | country | trans_count | approved_count | trans_total_amount | approved_total_amount |\n+----------+---------+-------------+----------------+--------------------+-----------------------+\n| 2018-12 | US | 2 | 1 | 3000 | 1000 |\n| 2019-01 | US | 1 | 1 | 2000 | 2000 |\n| 2019-01 | DE | 1 | 1 | 2000 | 2000 |\n+----------+---------+-------------+----------------+--------------------+-----------------------+\n\n", "translatedTitle": "每月交易 I", "translatedContent": "
\n+---------------+---------+\n| Column Name | Type |\n+---------------+---------+\n| id | int |\n| country | varchar |\n| state | enum |\n| amount | int |\n| trans_date | date |\n+---------------+---------+\nid 是这个表的主键。\n该表包含有关传入事务的信息。\nstate 列类型为 [\"approved\", \"declined\"] 之一。\n\n\n
编写一个 sql 查询来查找每个月和每个国家/地区的事务数及其总金额、已批准的事务数及其总金额。
\n\n以 任意顺序 返回结果表。
示例 1:
table:\n+------+---------+----------+--------+------------+\n| id | country | state | amount | trans_date |\n+------+---------+----------+--------+------------+\n| 121 | US | approved | 1000 | 2018-12-18 |\n| 122 | US | declined | 2000 | 2018-12-19 |\n| 123 | US | approved | 2000 | 2019-01-01 |\n| 124 | DE | approved | 2000 | 2019-01-07 |\n+------+---------+----------+--------+------------+\n输出:\n+----------+---------+-------------+----------------+--------------------+-----------------------+\n| month | country | trans_count | approved_count | trans_total_amount | approved_total_amount |\n+----------+---------+-------------+----------------+--------------------+-----------------------+\n| 2018-12 | US | 2 | 1 | 3000 | 1000 |\n| 2019-01 | US | 1 | 1 | 2000 | 2000 |\n| 2019-01 | DE | 1 | 1 | 2000 | 2000 |\n+----------+---------+-------------+----------------+--------------------+-----------------------+
"isPaidOnly": false,
"difficulty": "Medium",
"likes": 93,
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"isLiked": null,
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"langToValidPlayground": "{\"cpp\": false, \"java\": false, \"python\": false, \"python3\": false, \"mysql\": false, \"mssql\": false, \"oraclesql\": false, \"c\": false, \"csharp\": false, \"javascript\": false, \"typescript\": false, \"bash\": false, \"php\": false, \"swift\": false, \"kotlin\": false, \"dart\": false, \"golang\": false, \"ruby\": false, \"scala\": false, \"html\": false, \"pythonml\": false, \"rust\": false, \"racket\": false, \"erlang\": false, \"elixir\": false, \"pythondata\": false, \"react\": false, \"vanillajs\": false, \"postgresql\": false}",
"topicTags": [
"name": "Database",
"slug": "database",
"translatedName": "数据库",
"__typename": "TopicTagNode"
"companyTagStats": null,
"codeSnippets": [
"lang": "MySQL",
"langSlug": "mysql",
"code": "# Write your MySQL query statement below",
"__typename": "CodeSnippetNode"
"lang": "MS SQL Server",
"langSlug": "mssql",
"code": "/* Write your T-SQL query statement below */",
"__typename": "CodeSnippetNode"
"lang": "Oracle",
"langSlug": "oraclesql",
"code": "/* Write your PL/SQL query statement below */",
"__typename": "CodeSnippetNode"
"lang": "Pandas",
"langSlug": "pythondata",
"code": "import pandas as pd\n\ndef monthly_transactions(transactions: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:\n ",
"__typename": "CodeSnippetNode"
"lang": "PostgreSQL",
"langSlug": "postgresql",
"code": "-- Write your PostgreSQL query statement below",
"__typename": "CodeSnippetNode"
"stats": "{\"totalAccepted\": \"29K\", \"totalSubmission\": \"47.5K\", \"totalAcceptedRaw\": 28963, \"totalSubmissionRaw\": 47510, \"acRate\": \"61.0%\"}",
"hints": [],
"solution": null,
"status": null,
"sampleTestCase": "{\"headers\":{\"Transactions\":[\"id\",\"country\",\"state\",\"amount\",\"trans_date\"]},\"rows\":{\"Transactions\":[[121,\"US\",\"approved\",1000,\"2018-12-18\"],[122,\"US\",\"declined\",2000,\"2018-12-19\"],[123,\"US\",\"approved\",2000,\"2019-01-01\"],[124,\"DE\",\"approved\",2000,\"2019-01-07\"]]}}",
"metaData": "{\"mysql\":[\"Create table If Not Exists Transactions (id int, country varchar(4), state enum('approved', 'declined'), amount int, trans_date date)\"],\"mssql\":[\"Create table Transactions (id int, country varchar(4), state varchar(10) check(state in ('approved', 'declined')), amount int, trans_date date)\"],\"oraclesql\":[\"Create table Transactions (id int, country varchar(4), state varchar(10) check(state in ('approved', 'declined')), amount int, trans_date date)\",\"ALTER SESSION SET nls_date_format='YYYY-MM-DD'\"],\"database\":true,\"name\":\"monthly_transactions\",\"pythondata\":[\"Transactions = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['id', 'country', 'state', 'amount', 'trans_date']).astype({'id':'Int64', 'country':'object', 'state':'object', 'amount':'Int64', 'trans_date':'datetime64[ns]'})\"],\"postgresql\":[\"Create table If Not Exists Transactions (id int, country varchar(4), state VARCHAR(30) CHECK (state IN ('approved', 'declined')), amount int, trans_date date)\\n\\n\"],\"database_schema\":{\"Transactions\":{\"id\":\"INT\",\"country\":\"VARCHAR(4)\",\"state\":\"ENUM('approved', 'declined')\",\"amount\":\"INT\",\"trans_date\":\"DATE\"}}}",
"judgerAvailable": true,
"judgeType": "large",
"mysqlSchemas": [
"Create table If Not Exists Transactions (id int, country varchar(4), state enum('approved', 'declined'), amount int, trans_date date)",
"Truncate table Transactions",
"insert into Transactions (id, country, state, amount, trans_date) values ('121', 'US', 'approved', '1000', '2018-12-18')",
"insert into Transactions (id, country, state, amount, trans_date) values ('122', 'US', 'declined', '2000', '2018-12-19')",
"insert into Transactions (id, country, state, amount, trans_date) values ('123', 'US', 'approved', '2000', '2019-01-01')",
"insert into Transactions (id, country, state, amount, trans_date) values ('124', 'DE', 'approved', '2000', '2019-01-07')"
"enableRunCode": true,
"envInfo": "{\"mysql\":[\"MySQL\",\"\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1a mssql server 2019.<\\/p>\"],\"oraclesql\":[\"Oracle\",\" Oracle Sql 11.2.<\\/p>\"],\"pythondata\":[\"Pandas\",\" Python 3.10 with Pandas 2.0.2 and NumPy 1.25.0<\\/p>\"],\"postgresql\":[\"PostgreSQL\",\" PostgreSQL 16<\\/p>\"]}",
"book": null,
"isSubscribed": false,
"isDailyQuestion": false,
"dailyRecordStatus": null,
"editorType": "CKEDITOR",
"ugcQuestionId": null,
"style": "LEETCODE",
"exampleTestcases": "{\"headers\":{\"Transactions\":[\"id\",\"country\",\"state\",\"amount\",\"trans_date\"]},\"rows\":{\"Transactions\":[[121,\"US\",\"approved\",1000,\"2018-12-18\"],[122,\"US\",\"declined\",2000,\"2018-12-19\"],[123,\"US\",\"approved\",2000,\"2019-01-01\"],[124,\"DE\",\"approved\",2000,\"2019-01-07\"]]}}",
"__typename": "QuestionNode"
}MySQL 8.0<\\/code><\\/p>\"],\"mssql\":[\"MS SQL Server\",\"