{ "data": { "question": { "questionId": "2336", "questionFrontendId": "2205", "categoryTitle": "Database", "boundTopicId": 1349863, "title": "The Number of Users That Are Eligible for Discount", "titleSlug": "the-number-of-users-that-are-eligible-for-discount", "content": null, "translatedTitle": null, "translatedContent": null, "isPaidOnly": true, "difficulty": "Easy", "likes": 1, "dislikes": 0, "isLiked": null, "similarQuestions": "[]", "contributors": [], "langToValidPlayground": null, "topicTags": [ { "name": "Database", "slug": "database", "translatedName": "数据库", "__typename": "TopicTagNode" } ], "companyTagStats": null, "codeSnippets": null, "stats": "{\"totalAccepted\": \"219\", \"totalSubmission\": \"480\", \"totalAcceptedRaw\": 219, \"totalSubmissionRaw\": 480, \"acRate\": \"45.6%\"}", "hints": [], "solution": null, "status": null, "sampleTestCase": "{\"headers\": {\"Purchases\": [\"user_id\", \"time_stamp\", \"amount\"]}, \"startDate\": \"2022-03-08\", \"endDate\": \"2022-03-20\", \"minAmount\": 1000, \"rows\": {\"Purchases\": [[1, \"2022-04-20 09:03:00\", 4416], [2, \"2022-03-19 19:24:02\", 678], [3, \"2022-03-18 12:03:09\", 4523], [3, \"2022-03-30 09:43:42\", 626]]}}", "metaData": "{\n \"mysql\": [\n \"Create table If Not Exists Purchases (user_id int, time_stamp datetime, amount int)\"\n ],\n \"mssql\": [\n \"Create table Purchases (user_id int, time_stamp datetime, amount int)\"\n ],\n \"oraclesql\": [\n \"Create table Purchases (user_id int, time_stamp date, amount int)\",\n \"ALTER SESSION SET nls_date_format='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'\"\n ],\n \"database\": true,\n \"manual\": true\n}", "judgerAvailable": true, "judgeType": "large", "mysqlSchemas": [ "Create table If Not Exists Purchases (user_id int, time_stamp datetime, amount int)", "Truncate table Purchases", "insert into Purchases (user_id, time_stamp, amount) values ('1', '2022-04-20 09:03:00', '4416')", "insert into Purchases (user_id, time_stamp, amount) values ('2', '2022-03-19 19:24:02', '678')", "insert into Purchases (user_id, time_stamp, amount) values ('3', '2022-03-18 12:03:09', '4523')", "insert into Purchases (user_id, time_stamp, amount) values ('3', '2022-03-30 09:43:42', '626')" ], "enableRunCode": true, "envInfo": "{\"mysql\":[\"MySQL\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aMySQL 8.0<\\/code><\\/p>\"],\"mssql\":[\"MS SQL Server\",\"

mssql server 2019.<\\/p>\"],\"oraclesql\":[\"Oracle\",\"

Oracle Sql 11.2.<\\/p>\"]}", "book": null, "isSubscribed": false, "isDailyQuestion": false, "dailyRecordStatus": null, "editorType": "CKEDITOR", "ugcQuestionId": null, "style": "LEETCODE", "exampleTestcases": "{\"headers\": {\"Purchases\": [\"user_id\", \"time_stamp\", \"amount\"]}, \"startDate\": \"2022-03-08\", \"endDate\": \"2022-03-20\", \"minAmount\": 1000, \"rows\": {\"Purchases\": [[1, \"2022-04-20 09:03:00\", 4416], [2, \"2022-03-19 19:24:02\", 678], [3, \"2022-03-18 12:03:09\", 4523], [3, \"2022-03-30 09:43:42\", 626]]}}", "__typename": "QuestionNode" } } }