Given a function fn, an array of arguments args, and an interval time t, return a cancel function cancelFn. The function fn should be called with args immediately and then called again every t milliseconds until cancelFn is called.


Example 1:

Input: fn = (x) => x * 2, args = [4], t = 20, cancelT = 110
   {"time": 0, "returned": 8},
   {"time": 20, "returned": 8},
   {"time": 40, "returned": 8},
   {"time": 60, "returned": 8},
   {"time": 80, "returned": 8},
   {"time": 100, "returned": 8}
Explanation: Every 20ms, fn(4) is called. Until t=110ms, then it is cancelled.

const cancel = cancellable(x => x * 2, [4], 20);
setTimeout(cancel, 110);

1st fn call is at 0ms. fn(4) returns 8.
2nd fn call is at 20ms. fn(4) returns 8.
3rd fn call is at 40ms. fn(4) returns 8.
4th fn call is at 60ms. fn(4) returns 8.
5th fn call is at 80ms. fn(4) returns 8.
6th fn call is at 100ms. fn(4) returns 8.

Example 2:

Input: fn = (x1, x2) => (x1 * x2), args = [2, 5], t = 25, cancelT = 140
   {"time": 0, "returned": 10},
   {"time": 25, "returned": 10},
   {"time": 50, "returned": 10},
   {"time": 75, "returned": 10},
   {"time": 100, "returned": 10},
   {"time": 125, "returned": 10}
Explanation: Every 25ms, fn(2, 5) is called. Until t=140ms, then it is cancelled.
1st fn call is at 0ms 
2nd fn call is at 25ms 
3rd fn call is at 50ms 
4th fn call is at 75ms 
5th fn call is at 100ms 
6th fn call is at 125ms
Cancelled at 140ms

Example 3:

Input: fn = (x1, x2, x3) => (x1 + x2 + x3), args = [5, 1, 3], t = 50, cancelT = 180
   {"time": 0, "returned": 9},
   {"time": 50, "returned": 9},
   {"time": 100, "returned": 9},
   {"time": 150, "returned": 9}
Explanation: Every 50ms, fn(5, 1, 3) is called. Until t=180ms, then it is cancelled. 
1st fn call is at 0ms
2nd fn call is at 50ms
3rd fn call is at 100ms
4th fn call is at 150ms
Cancelled at 180ms

