<p>Given a string <code>s</code> containing just the characters <code>&#39;(&#39;</code>, <code>&#39;)&#39;</code>, <code>&#39;{&#39;</code>, <code>&#39;}&#39;</code>, <code>&#39;[&#39;</code> and <code>&#39;]&#39;</code>, determine if the input string is valid.</p>

<p>An input string is valid if:</p>

	<li>Open brackets must be closed by the same type of brackets.</li>
	<li>Open brackets must be closed in the correct order.</li>
	<li>Every close bracket has a corresponding open bracket of the same type.</li>

<p><strong class="example">Example 1:</strong></p>

<strong>Input:</strong> s = &quot;()&quot;
<strong>Output:</strong> true

<p><strong class="example">Example 2:</strong></p>

<strong>Input:</strong> s = &quot;()[]{}&quot;
<strong>Output:</strong> true

<p><strong class="example">Example 3:</strong></p>

<strong>Input:</strong> s = &quot;(]&quot;
<strong>Output:</strong> false


	<li><code>1 &lt;= s.length &lt;= 10<sup>4</sup></code></li>
	<li><code>s</code> consists of parentheses only <code>&#39;()[]{}&#39;</code>.</li>