DataFrame <code>animals</code>
| Column Name | Type   |
| name        | object |
| species     | object |
| age         | int    |
| weight      | int    |

<p>Write a solution to list the names of animals that weigh <strong>strictly more than</strong> <code>100</code> kilograms.</p>

<p>Return the&nbsp;animals sorted by weight in <strong>descending order</strong>.</p>

<p>The result format is in the following example.</p>

<p><strong>Example 1:</strong></p>

DataFrame animals:
| name     | species | age | weight |
| Tatiana  | Snake   | 98  | 464    |
| Khaled   | Giraffe | 50  | 41     |
| Alex     | Leopard | 6   | 328    |
| Jonathan | Monkey  | 45  | 463    |
| Stefan   | Bear    | 100 | 50     |
| Tommy    | Panda   | 26  | 349    |
| name     |
| Tatiana  |
| Jonathan |
| Tommy    |
| Alex     |
All animals weighing more than 100 should be included in the results table.
Tatiana&#39;s weight is 464, Jonathan&#39;s weight is 463, Tommy&#39;s weight is 349, and Alex&#39;s weight is 328.
The results should be sorted in descending order of weight.</pre>

<p>In Pandas, <strong>method chaining</strong> enables us to&nbsp;perform operations on a DataFrame without breaking up each operation into a separate line or creating multiple temporary variables.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Can you complete this&nbsp;task in just <strong>one line </strong>of code using method chaining?</p>