{ "data": { "question": { "questionId": "578", "questionFrontendId": "578", "boundTopicId": null, "title": "Get Highest Answer Rate Question", "titleSlug": "get-highest-answer-rate-question", "content": null, "translatedTitle": null, "translatedContent": null, "isPaidOnly": true, "difficulty": "Medium", "likes": 122, "dislikes": 904, "isLiked": null, "similarQuestions": "[]", "exampleTestcases": "{\"headers\": {\"SurveyLog\": [\"id\", \"action\", \"question_id\", \"answer_id\", \"q_num\", \"timestamp\"]},\"rows\": {\"SurveyLog\": [[5, \"show\", 285, null, 1, 123], [5, \"answer\", 285, 124124, 1, 124], [5, \"show\", 369, null, 2, 125], [5, \"skip\", 369, null, 2, 126]]}}", "categoryTitle": "Database", "contributors": [], "topicTags": [ { "name": "Database", "slug": "database", "translatedName": null, "__typename": "TopicTagNode" } ], "companyTagStats": null, "codeSnippets": null, "stats": "{\"totalAccepted\": \"52.2K\", \"totalSubmission\": \"129K\", \"totalAcceptedRaw\": 52239, \"totalSubmissionRaw\": 128997, \"acRate\": \"40.5%\"}", "hints": [ "Try to find all question ids by group", "Try to find each group answer number and show number.", "Rank all the rates (answer/(answer+show)) and return the max one" ], "solution": null, "status": null, "sampleTestCase": "{\"headers\": {\"SurveyLog\": [\"id\", \"action\", \"question_id\", \"answer_id\", \"q_num\", \"timestamp\"]},\"rows\": {\"SurveyLog\": [[5, \"show\", 285, null, 1, 123], [5, \"answer\", 285, 124124, 1, 124], [5, \"show\", 369, null, 2, 125], [5, \"skip\", 369, null, 2, 126]]}}", "metaData": "{\"mysql\": [\"Create table If Not Exists SurveyLog (id int, action varchar(255), question_id int, answer_id int, q_num int, timestamp int)\"], \"mssql\": [\"Create table SurveyLog (id int, action varchar(255), question_id int, answer_id int, q_num int, timestamp int)\"], \"oraclesql\": [\"Create table SurveyLog (id int, action varchar(255), question_id int, answer_id int, q_num int, timestamp int)\"], \"database\": true, \"name\": \"get_the_question\", \"pythondata\": [\"SurveyLog = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['id', 'action', 'question_id', 'answer_id', 'q_num', 'timestamp']).astype({'id':'Int64', 'action':'object', 'question_id':'Int64', 'answer_id':'Int64', 'q_num':'Int64', 'timestamp':'Int64'})\"], \"postgresql\": [\"\\nCreate table If Not Exists SurveyLog (id int, action varchar(255), question_id int, answer_id int, q_num int, timestamp int)\"], \"database_schema\": {\"SurveyLog\": {\"id\": \"INT\", \"action\": \"VARCHAR(255)\", \"question_id\": \"INT\", \"answer_id\": \"INT\", \"q_num\": \"INT\", \"timestamp\": \"INT\"}}}", "judgerAvailable": true, "judgeType": "large", "mysqlSchemas": [ "Create table If Not Exists SurveyLog (id int, action varchar(255), question_id int, answer_id int, q_num int, timestamp int)", "Truncate table SurveyLog", "insert into SurveyLog (id, action, question_id, answer_id, q_num, timestamp) values ('5', 'show', '285', 'None', '1', '123')", "insert into SurveyLog (id, action, question_id, answer_id, q_num, timestamp) values ('5', 'answer', '285', '124124', '1', '124')", "insert into SurveyLog (id, action, question_id, answer_id, q_num, timestamp) values ('5', 'show', '369', 'None', '2', '125')", "insert into SurveyLog (id, action, question_id, answer_id, q_num, timestamp) values ('5', 'skip', '369', 'None', '2', '126')" ], "enableRunCode": true, "enableTestMode": false, "enableDebugger": false, "envInfo": "{\"mysql\": [\"MySQL\", \"
MySQL 8.0
mssql server 2019
Oracle Sql 11.2
Python 3.10 with Pandas 2.0.2 and NumPy 1.25.0
\"], \"postgresql\": [\"PostgreSQL\", \"PostgreSQL 16
\"]}", "libraryUrl": null, "adminUrl": null, "challengeQuestion": null, "__typename": "QuestionNode" } } }