{ "data": { "question": { "questionId": "2250", "questionFrontendId": "2146", "categoryTitle": "Algorithms", "boundTopicId": 1223355, "title": "K Highest Ranked Items Within a Price Range", "titleSlug": "k-highest-ranked-items-within-a-price-range", "content": "

You are given a 0-indexed 2D integer array grid of size m x n that represents a map of the items in a shop. The integers in the grid represent the following:


It takes 1 step to travel between adjacent grid cells.


You are also given integer arrays pricing and start where pricing = [low, high] and start = [row, col] indicates that you start at the position (row, col) and are interested only in items with a price in the range of [low, high] (inclusive). You are further given an integer k.


You are interested in the positions of the k highest-ranked items whose prices are within the given price range. The rank is determined by the first of these criteria that is different:

  1. Distance, defined as the length of the shortest path from the start (shorter distance has a higher rank).
  2. \n\t
  3. Price (lower price has a higher rank, but it must be in the price range).
  4. \n\t
  5. The row number (smaller row number has a higher rank).
  6. \n\t
  7. The column number (smaller column number has a higher rank).
  8. \n

Return the k highest-ranked items within the price range sorted by their rank (highest to lowest). If there are fewer than k reachable items within the price range, return all of them.




Example 1:

\nInput: grid = [[1,2,0,1],[1,3,0,1],[0,2,5,1]], pricing = [2,5], start = [0,0], k = 3\nOutput: [[0,1],[1,1],[2,1]]\nExplanation: You start at (0,0).\nWith a price range of [2,5], we can take items from (0,1), (1,1), (2,1) and (2,2).\nThe ranks of these items are:\n- (0,1) with distance 1\n- (1,1) with distance 2\n- (2,1) with distance 3\n- (2,2) with distance 4\nThus, the 3 highest ranked items in the price range are (0,1), (1,1), and (2,1).\n

Example 2:

\nInput: grid = [[1,2,0,1],[1,3,3,1],[0,2,5,1]], pricing = [2,3], start = [2,3], k = 2\nOutput: [[2,1],[1,2]]\nExplanation: You start at (2,3).\nWith a price range of [2,3], we can take items from (0,1), (1,1), (1,2) and (2,1).\nThe ranks of these items are:\n- (2,1) with distance 2, price 2\n- (1,2) with distance 2, price 3\n- (1,1) with distance 3\n- (0,1) with distance 4\nThus, the 2 highest ranked items in the price range are (2,1) and (1,2).\n

Example 3:

\nInput: grid = [[1,1,1],[0,0,1],[2,3,4]], pricing = [2,3], start = [0,0], k = 3\nOutput: [[2,1],[2,0]]\nExplanation: You start at (0,0).\nWith a price range of [2,3], we can take items from (2,0) and (2,1). \nThe ranks of these items are: \n- (2,1) with distance 5\n- (2,0) with distance 6\nThus, the 2 highest ranked items in the price range are (2,1) and (2,0). \nNote that k = 3 but there are only 2 reachable items within the price range.\n




\n\n\n", "translatedTitle": "价格范围内最高排名的 K 样物品", "translatedContent": "

给你一个下标从 0 开始的二维整数数组 grid ,它的大小为 m x n ,表示一个商店中物品的分布图。数组中的整数含义为:


从一个格子走到上下左右相邻格子花费 1 步。


同时给你一个整数数组 pricing 和 start ,其中 pricing = [low, high] 且 start = [row, col] ,表示你开始位置为 (row, col) ,同时你只对物品价格在 闭区间 [low, high] 之内的物品感兴趣。同时给你一个整数 k 。


你想知道给定范围  且 排名最高 的 k 件物品的 位置 。排名按照优先级从高到低的以下规则制定:

  1. 距离:定义为从 start 到一件物品的最短路径需要的步数(较近 距离的排名更高)。
  2. \n\t
  3. 价格:较低 价格的物品有更高优先级,但只考虑在给定范围之内的价格。
  4. \n\t
  5. 行坐标:较小 行坐标的有更高优先级。
  6. \n\t
  7. 列坐标:较小 列坐标的有更高优先级。
  8. \n

请你返回给定价格内排名最高的 k 件物品的坐标,将它们按照排名排序后返回。如果给定价格内少于 k 件物品,那么请将它们的坐标 全部 返回。




示例 1:



输入:grid = [[1,2,0,1],[1,3,0,1],[0,2,5,1]], pricing = [2,5], start = [0,0], k = 3\n输出:[[0,1],[1,1],[2,1]]\n解释:起点为 (0,0) 。\n价格范围为 [2,5] ,我们可以选择的物品坐标为 (0,1),(1,1),(2,1) 和 (2,2) 。\n这些物品的排名为:\n- (0,1) 距离为 1\n- (1,1) 距离为 2\n- (2,1) 距离为 3\n- (2,2) 距离为 4\n所以,给定价格范围内排名最高的 3 件物品的坐标为 (0,1),(1,1) 和 (2,1) 。\n

示例 2:



输入:grid = [[1,2,0,1],[1,3,3,1],[0,2,5,1]], pricing = [2,3], start = [2,3], k = 2\n输出:[[2,1],[1,2]]\n解释:起点为 (2,3) 。\n价格范围为 [2,3] ,我们可以选择的物品坐标为 (0,1),(1,1),(1,2) 和 (2,1) 。\n这些物品的排名为: \n- (2,1) 距离为 2 ,价格为 2\n- (1,2) 距离为 2 ,价格为 3\n- (1,1) 距离为 3\n- (0,1) 距离为 4\n所以,给定价格范围内排名最高的 2 件物品的坐标为 (2,1) 和 (1,2) 。\n

示例 3:



输入:grid = [[1,1,1],[0,0,1],[2,3,4]], pricing = [2,3], start = [0,0], k = 3\n输出:[[2,1],[2,0]]\n解释:起点为 (0,0) 。\n价格范围为 [2,3] ,我们可以选择的物品坐标为 (2,0) 和 (2,1) 。\n这些物品的排名为:\n- (2,1) 距离为 5\n- (2,0) 距离为 6\n所以,给定价格范围内排名最高的 2 件物品的坐标为 (2,1) 和 (2,0) 。\n注意,k = 3 但给定价格范围内只有 2 件物品。\n




\n\n\n", "isPaidOnly": false, "difficulty": "Medium", "likes": 26, "dislikes": 0, "isLiked": null, "similarQuestions": "[]", "contributors": [], "langToValidPlayground": "{\"cpp\": false, \"java\": true, \"python\": true, \"python3\": false, \"mysql\": false, \"mssql\": false, \"oraclesql\": false, \"c\": false, \"csharp\": false, \"javascript\": false, \"typescript\": false, \"bash\": false, \"php\": false, \"swift\": false, \"kotlin\": false, \"dart\": false, \"golang\": false, \"ruby\": false, \"scala\": false, \"html\": false, \"pythonml\": false, \"rust\": false, \"racket\": false, \"erlang\": false, \"elixir\": false, \"pythondata\": false, \"react\": false, \"vanillajs\": false, \"postgresql\": false}", "topicTags": [ { "name": "Breadth-First Search", "slug": "breadth-first-search", "translatedName": "广度优先搜索", "__typename": "TopicTagNode" }, { "name": "Array", "slug": "array", "translatedName": "数组", "__typename": "TopicTagNode" }, { "name": "Matrix", "slug": "matrix", "translatedName": "矩阵", "__typename": "TopicTagNode" }, { "name": "Sorting", "slug": "sorting", "translatedName": "排序", "__typename": "TopicTagNode" }, { "name": "Heap (Priority Queue)", "slug": "heap-priority-queue", "translatedName": "堆(优先队列)", "__typename": "TopicTagNode" } ], "companyTagStats": null, "codeSnippets": [ { "lang": "C++", "langSlug": "cpp", "code": "class Solution {\npublic:\n vector> highestRankedKItems(vector>& grid, vector& pricing, vector& start, int k) {\n \n }\n};", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Java", "langSlug": "java", "code": "class Solution {\n public List> highestRankedKItems(int[][] grid, int[] pricing, int[] start, int k) {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Python", "langSlug": "python", "code": "class Solution(object):\n def highestRankedKItems(self, grid, pricing, start, k):\n \"\"\"\n :type grid: List[List[int]]\n :type pricing: List[int]\n :type start: List[int]\n :type k: int\n :rtype: List[List[int]]\n \"\"\"", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Python3", "langSlug": "python3", "code": "class Solution:\n def highestRankedKItems(self, grid: List[List[int]], pricing: List[int], start: List[int], k: int) -> List[List[int]]:", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "C", "langSlug": "c", "code": "\n\n/**\n * Return an array of arrays of size *returnSize.\n * The sizes of the arrays are returned as *returnColumnSizes array.\n * Note: Both returned array and *columnSizes array must be malloced, assume caller calls free().\n */\nint** highestRankedKItems(int** grid, int gridSize, int* gridColSize, int* pricing, int pricingSize, int* start, int startSize, int k, int* returnSize, int** returnColumnSizes){\n\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "C#", "langSlug": "csharp", "code": "public class Solution {\n public IList> HighestRankedKItems(int[][] grid, int[] pricing, int[] start, int k) {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "JavaScript", "langSlug": "javascript", "code": "/**\n * @param {number[][]} grid\n * @param {number[]} pricing\n * @param {number[]} start\n * @param {number} k\n * @return {number[][]}\n */\nvar highestRankedKItems = function(grid, pricing, start, k) {\n\n};", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "TypeScript", "langSlug": "typescript", "code": "function highestRankedKItems(grid: number[][], pricing: number[], start: number[], k: number): number[][] {\n\n};", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "PHP", "langSlug": "php", "code": "class Solution {\n\n /**\n * @param Integer[][] $grid\n * @param Integer[] $pricing\n * @param Integer[] $start\n * @param Integer $k\n * @return Integer[][]\n */\n function highestRankedKItems($grid, $pricing, $start, $k) {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Swift", "langSlug": "swift", "code": "class Solution {\n func highestRankedKItems(_ grid: [[Int]], _ pricing: [Int], _ start: [Int], _ k: Int) -> [[Int]] {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Kotlin", "langSlug": "kotlin", "code": "class Solution {\n fun highestRankedKItems(grid: Array, pricing: IntArray, start: IntArray, k: Int): List> {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Dart", "langSlug": "dart", "code": "class Solution {\n List> highestRankedKItems(List> grid, List pricing, List start, int k) {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Go", "langSlug": "golang", "code": "func highestRankedKItems(grid [][]int, pricing []int, start []int, k int) [][]int {\n\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Ruby", "langSlug": "ruby", "code": "# @param {Integer[][]} grid\n# @param {Integer[]} pricing\n# @param {Integer[]} start\n# @param {Integer} k\n# @return {Integer[][]}\ndef highest_ranked_k_items(grid, pricing, start, k)\n\nend", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Scala", "langSlug": "scala", "code": "object Solution {\n def highestRankedKItems(grid: Array[Array[Int]], pricing: Array[Int], start: Array[Int], k: Int): List[List[Int]] = {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Rust", "langSlug": "rust", "code": "impl Solution {\n pub fn highest_ranked_k_items(grid: Vec>, pricing: Vec, start: Vec, k: i32) -> Vec> {\n\n }\n}", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Racket", "langSlug": "racket", "code": "(define/contract (highest-ranked-k-items grid pricing start k)\n (-> (listof (listof exact-integer?)) (listof exact-integer?) (listof exact-integer?) exact-integer? (listof (listof exact-integer?)))\n\n )", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Erlang", "langSlug": "erlang", "code": "-spec highest_ranked_k_items(Grid :: [[integer()]], Pricing :: [integer()], Start :: [integer()], K :: integer()) -> [[integer()]].\nhighest_ranked_k_items(Grid, Pricing, Start, K) ->\n .", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" }, { "lang": "Elixir", "langSlug": "elixir", "code": "defmodule Solution do\n @spec highest_ranked_k_items(grid :: [[integer]], pricing :: [integer], start :: [integer], k :: integer) :: [[integer]]\n def highest_ranked_k_items(grid, pricing, start, k) do\n\n end\nend", "__typename": "CodeSnippetNode" } ], "stats": "{\"totalAccepted\": \"4.6K\", \"totalSubmission\": \"11.3K\", \"totalAcceptedRaw\": 4637, \"totalSubmissionRaw\": 11307, \"acRate\": \"41.0%\"}", "hints": [ "Could you determine the rank of every item efficiently?", "We can perform a breadth-first search from the starting position and know the length of the shortest path from start to every item.", "Sort all the items according to the conditions listed in the problem, and return the first k (or all if less than k exist) items as the answer." ], "solution": null, "status": null, "sampleTestCase": "[[1,2,0,1],[1,3,0,1],[0,2,5,1]]\n[2,5]\n[0,0]\n3", "metaData": "{\n \"name\": \"highestRankedKItems\",\n \"params\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"grid\",\n \"type\": \"integer[][]\"\n },\n {\n \"type\": \"integer[]\",\n \"name\": \"pricing\"\n },\n {\n \"type\": \"integer[]\",\n \"name\": \"start\"\n },\n {\n \"type\": \"integer\",\n \"name\": \"k\"\n }\n ],\n \"return\": {\n \"type\": \"list>\"\n }\n}", "judgerAvailable": true, "judgeType": "large", "mysqlSchemas": [], "enableRunCode": true, "envInfo": "{\"cpp\":[\"C++\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aclang 11<\\/code> \\u91c7\\u7528\\u6700\\u65b0C++ 20\\u6807\\u51c6\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u7f16\\u8bd1\\u65f6\\uff0c\\u5c06\\u4f1a\\u91c7\\u7528-O2<\\/code>\\u7ea7\\u4f18\\u5316\\u3002AddressSanitizer<\\/a> \\u4e5f\\u88ab\\u5f00\\u542f\\u6765\\u68c0\\u6d4bout-of-bounds<\\/code>\\u548cuse-after-free<\\/code>\\u9519\\u8bef\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n


\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aOpenJDK 17<\\/code>\\u3002\\u53ef\\u4ee5\\u4f7f\\u7528Java 8\\u7684\\u7279\\u6027\\u4f8b\\u5982\\uff0clambda expressions \\u548c stream API\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n


\\u5305\\u542b Pair \\u7c7b: https:\\/\\/docs.oracle.com\\/javase\\/8\\/javafx\\/api\\/javafx\\/util\\/Pair.html <\\/p>\"],\"python\":[\"Python\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1a Python 2.7.12<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u4e3a\\u4e86\\u65b9\\u4fbf\\u8d77\\u89c1\\uff0c\\u5927\\u90e8\\u5206\\u5e38\\u7528\\u5e93\\u5df2\\u7ecf\\u88ab\\u81ea\\u52a8 \\u5bfc\\u5165\\uff0c\\u5982\\uff1aarray<\\/a>, bisect<\\/a>, collections<\\/a>\\u3002\\u5982\\u679c\\u60a8\\u9700\\u8981\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u5176\\u4ed6\\u5e93\\u51fd\\u6570\\uff0c\\u8bf7\\u81ea\\u884c\\u5bfc\\u5165\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u6ce8\\u610f Python 2.7 \\u5c06\\u57282020\\u5e74\\u540e\\u4e0d\\u518d\\u7ef4\\u62a4<\\/a>\\u3002 \\u5982\\u60f3\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u6700\\u65b0\\u7248\\u7684Python\\uff0c\\u8bf7\\u9009\\u62e9Python 3\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"c\":[\"C\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aGCC 8.2<\\/code>\\uff0c\\u91c7\\u7528GNU11\\u6807\\u51c6\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u7f16\\u8bd1\\u65f6\\uff0c\\u5c06\\u4f1a\\u91c7\\u7528-O1<\\/code>\\u7ea7\\u4f18\\u5316\\u3002 AddressSanitizer<\\/a>\\u4e5f\\u88ab\\u5f00\\u542f\\u6765\\u68c0\\u6d4bout-of-bounds<\\/code>\\u548cuse-after-free<\\/code>\\u9519\\u8bef\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n


\\u5982\\u60f3\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u54c8\\u5e0c\\u8868\\u8fd0\\u7b97, \\u60a8\\u53ef\\u4ee5\\u4f7f\\u7528 uthash<\\/a>\\u3002 \\\"uthash.h\\\"\\u5df2\\u7ecf\\u9ed8\\u8ba4\\u88ab\\u5bfc\\u5165\\u3002\\u8bf7\\u770b\\u5982\\u4e0b\\u793a\\u4f8b:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

1. \\u5f80\\u54c8\\u5e0c\\u8868\\u4e2d\\u6dfb\\u52a0\\u4e00\\u4e2a\\u5bf9\\u8c61\\uff1a<\\/b>\\r\\n

\\r\\nstruct hash_entry {\\r\\n    int id;            \\/* we'll use this field as the key *\\/\\r\\n    char name[10];\\r\\n    UT_hash_handle hh; \\/* makes this structure hashable *\\/\\r\\n};\\r\\n\\r\\nstruct hash_entry *users = NULL;\\r\\n\\r\\nvoid add_user(struct hash_entry *s) {\\r\\n    HASH_ADD_INT(users, id, s);\\r\\n}\\r\\n<\\/pre>\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

2. \\u5728\\u54c8\\u5e0c\\u8868\\u4e2d\\u67e5\\u627e\\u4e00\\u4e2a\\u5bf9\\u8c61\\uff1a<\\/b>\\r\\n

\\r\\nstruct hash_entry *find_user(int user_id) {\\r\\n    struct hash_entry *s;\\r\\n    HASH_FIND_INT(users, &user_id, s);\\r\\n    return s;\\r\\n}\\r\\n<\\/pre>\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

3. \\u4ece\\u54c8\\u5e0c\\u8868\\u4e2d\\u5220\\u9664\\u4e00\\u4e2a\\u5bf9\\u8c61\\uff1a<\\/b>\\r\\n

\\r\\nvoid delete_user(struct hash_entry *user) {\\r\\n    HASH_DEL(users, user);  \\r\\n}\\r\\n<\\/pre>\\r\\n<\\/p>\"],\"csharp\":[\"C#\",\"

C# 10<\\/a> \\u8fd0\\u884c\\u5728 .NET 6 \\u4e0a<\\/p>\"],\"javascript\":[\"JavaScript\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aNode.js 16.13.2<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u60a8\\u7684\\u4ee3\\u7801\\u5728\\u6267\\u884c\\u65f6\\u5c06\\u5e26\\u4e0a --harmony<\\/code> \\u6807\\u8bb0\\u6765\\u5f00\\u542f \\u65b0\\u7248ES6\\u7279\\u6027<\\/a>\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

lodash.js<\\/a> \\u5e93\\u5df2\\u7ecf\\u9ed8\\u8ba4\\u88ab\\u5305\\u542b\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u5982\\u9700\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u961f\\u5217\\/\\u4f18\\u5148\\u961f\\u5217\\uff0c\\u60a8\\u53ef\\u4f7f\\u7528 datastructures-js\\/priority-queue@5.3.0<\\/a> \\u548c datastructures-js\\/queue@4.2.1<\\/a>\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"ruby\":[\"Ruby\",\"

\\u4f7f\\u7528Ruby 3.1<\\/code>\\u6267\\u884c<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u4e00\\u4e9b\\u5e38\\u7528\\u7684\\u6570\\u636e\\u7ed3\\u6784\\u5df2\\u5728 Algorithms \\u6a21\\u5757\\u4e2d\\u63d0\\u4f9b\\uff1ahttps:\\/\\/www.rubydoc.info\\/github\\/kanwei\\/algorithms\\/Algorithms<\\/p>\"],\"swift\":[\"Swift\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aSwift 5.5.2<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u6211\\u4eec\\u901a\\u5e38\\u4fdd\\u8bc1\\u66f4\\u65b0\\u5230 Apple\\u653e\\u51fa\\u7684\\u6700\\u65b0\\u7248Swift<\\/a>\\u3002\\u5982\\u679c\\u60a8\\u53d1\\u73b0Swift\\u4e0d\\u662f\\u6700\\u65b0\\u7248\\u7684\\uff0c\\u8bf7\\u8054\\u7cfb\\u6211\\u4eec\\uff01\\u6211\\u4eec\\u5c06\\u5c3d\\u5feb\\u66f4\\u65b0\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"golang\":[\"Go\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aGo 1.21<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u652f\\u6301 https:\\/\\/godoc.org\\/github.com\\/emirpasic\\/gods@v1.18.1<\\/a> \\u7b2c\\u4e09\\u65b9\\u5e93\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"python3\":[\"Python3\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aPython 3.10<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u4e3a\\u4e86\\u65b9\\u4fbf\\u8d77\\u89c1\\uff0c\\u5927\\u90e8\\u5206\\u5e38\\u7528\\u5e93\\u5df2\\u7ecf\\u88ab\\u81ea\\u52a8 \\u5bfc\\u5165\\uff0c\\u5982array<\\/a>, bisect<\\/a>, collections<\\/a>\\u3002 \\u5982\\u679c\\u60a8\\u9700\\u8981\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u5176\\u4ed6\\u5e93\\u51fd\\u6570\\uff0c\\u8bf7\\u81ea\\u884c\\u5bfc\\u5165\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u5982\\u9700\\u4f7f\\u7528 Map\\/TreeMap \\u6570\\u636e\\u7ed3\\u6784\\uff0c\\u60a8\\u53ef\\u4f7f\\u7528 sortedcontainers<\\/a> \\u5e93\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"scala\":[\"Scala\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aScala 2.13<\\/code><\\/p>\"],\"kotlin\":[\"Kotlin\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1aKotlin 1.9.0<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u6211\\u4eec\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u7684\\u662f JetBrains \\u63d0\\u4f9b\\u7684 experimental compiler\\u3002\\u5982\\u679c\\u60a8\\u8ba4\\u4e3a\\u60a8\\u9047\\u5230\\u4e86\\u7f16\\u8bd1\\u5668\\u76f8\\u5173\\u7684\\u95ee\\u9898\\uff0c\\u8bf7\\u5411\\u6211\\u4eec\\u53cd\\u9988<\\/p>\"],\"rust\":[\"Rust\",\"

\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1arust 1.58.1<\\/code><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u652f\\u6301 crates.io \\u7684 rand<\\/a><\\/p>\"],\"php\":[\"PHP\",\"

PHP 8.1<\\/code>.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

With bcmath module.<\\/p>\"],\"typescript\":[\"TypeScript\",\"

TypeScript 5.1.6<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

Compile Options: --alwaysStrict --strictBindCallApply --strictFunctionTypes --target ES2022<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

lodash.js<\\/a> \\u5e93\\u5df2\\u7ecf\\u9ed8\\u8ba4\\u88ab\\u5305\\u542b\\u3002<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u5982\\u9700\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u961f\\u5217\\/\\u4f18\\u5148\\u961f\\u5217\\uff0c\\u60a8\\u53ef\\u4f7f\\u7528 datastructures-js\\/priority-queue@5.3.0<\\/a> \\u548c datastructures-js\\/queue@4.2.1<\\/a>\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"racket\":[\"Racket\",\"

Racket CS<\\/a> v8.3<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u4f7f\\u7528 #lang racket<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u5df2\\u9884\\u5148 (require data\\/gvector data\\/queue data\\/order data\\/heap). \\u82e5\\u9700\\u4f7f\\u7528\\u5176\\u5b83\\u6570\\u636e\\u7ed3\\u6784\\uff0c\\u53ef\\u81ea\\u884c require\\u3002<\\/p>\"],\"erlang\":[\"Erlang\",\"Erlang\\/OTP 24.2\"],\"elixir\":[\"Elixir\",\"Elixir 1.13.0 with Erlang\\/OTP 24.2\"],\"dart\":[\"Dart\",\"

Dart 2.17.3<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n

\\u60a8\\u7684\\u4ee3\\u7801\\u5c06\\u4f1a\\u88ab\\u4e0d\\u7f16\\u8bd1\\u76f4\\u63a5\\u8fd0\\u884c<\\/p>\"]}", "book": null, "isSubscribed": false, "isDailyQuestion": false, "dailyRecordStatus": null, "editorType": "CKEDITOR", "ugcQuestionId": null, "style": "LEETCODE", "exampleTestcases": "[[1,2,0,1],[1,3,0,1],[0,2,5,1]]\n[2,5]\n[0,0]\n3\n[[1,2,0,1],[1,3,3,1],[0,2,5,1]]\n[2,3]\n[2,3]\n2\n[[1,1,1],[0,0,1],[2,3,4]]\n[2,3]\n[0,0]\n3", "__typename": "QuestionNode" } } }