You are given a binary string s and a positive integer k.

Return the length of the longest subsequence of s that makes up a binary number less than or equal to k.



Example 1:

Input: s = "1001010", k = 5
Output: 5
Explanation: The longest subsequence of s that makes up a binary number less than or equal to 5 is "00010", as this number is equal to 2 in decimal.
Note that "00100" and "00101" are also possible, which are equal to 4 and 5 in decimal, respectively.
The length of this subsequence is 5, so 5 is returned.

Example 2:

Input: s = "00101001", k = 1
Output: 6
Explanation: "000001" is the longest subsequence of s that makes up a binary number less than or equal to 1, as this number is equal to 1 in decimal.
The length of this subsequence is 6, so 6 is returned.

