<p>Write an algorithm to print all ways of arranging n queens on an n x n&nbsp;chess board so that none of them share the same row, column, or diagonal. In this case, &quot;diagonal&quot; means all diagonals, not just the two that bisect the board.</p>

<p><strong>Notes: </strong>This&nbsp;problem is a generalization of the original one in the book.</p>



<strong> Input</strong>: 4

<strong> Output</strong>: [[&quot;.Q..&quot;,&quot;...Q&quot;,&quot;Q...&quot;,&quot;..Q.&quot;],[&quot;..Q.&quot;,&quot;Q...&quot;,&quot;...Q&quot;,&quot;.Q..&quot;]]

<strong> Explanation</strong>: 4 queens has following two solutions


&nbsp;[&quot;.Q..&quot;, &nbsp;// solution 1

&nbsp; &quot;...Q&quot;,

&nbsp; &quot;Q...&quot;,

&nbsp; &quot;..Q.&quot;],

&nbsp;[&quot;..Q.&quot;, &nbsp;// solution 2

&nbsp; &quot;Q...&quot;,

&nbsp; &quot;...Q&quot;,

&nbsp; &quot;.Q..&quot;]

