<p>Given an integer array <code>arr</code>, and an integer <code>target</code>, return the number of tuples <code>i, j, k</code> such that <code>i < j < k</code> and <code>arr[i] + arr[j] + arr[k] == target</code>.</p> <p>As the answer can be very large, return it <strong>modulo</strong> <code>10<sup>9</sup> + 7</code>.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Example 1:</strong></p> <pre> <strong>Input:</strong> arr = [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5], target = 8 <strong>Output:</strong> 20 <strong>Explanation: </strong> Enumerating by the values (arr[i], arr[j], arr[k]): (1, 2, 5) occurs 8 times; (1, 3, 4) occurs 8 times; (2, 2, 4) occurs 2 times; (2, 3, 3) occurs 2 times. </pre> <p><strong>Example 2:</strong></p> <pre> <strong>Input:</strong> arr = [1,1,2,2,2,2], target = 5 <strong>Output:</strong> 12 <strong>Explanation: </strong> arr[i] = 1, arr[j] = arr[k] = 2 occurs 12 times: We choose one 1 from [1,1] in 2 ways, and two 2s from [2,2,2,2] in 6 ways. </pre> <p><strong>Example 3:</strong></p> <pre> <strong>Input:</strong> arr = [2,1,3], target = 6 <strong>Output:</strong> 1 <strong>Explanation:</strong> (1, 2, 3) occured one time in the array so we return 1. </pre> <p> </p> <p><strong>Constraints:</strong></p> <ul> <li><code>3 <= arr.length <= 3000</code></li> <li><code>0 <= arr[i] <= 100</code></li> <li><code>0 <= target <= 300</code></li> </ul>