You have a movie renting company consisting of n
shops. You want to implement a renting system that supports searching for, booking, and returning movies. The system should also support generating a report of the currently rented movies.
Each movie is given as a 2D integer array entries
where entries[i] = [shopi, moviei, pricei]
indicates that there is a copy of movie moviei
at shop shopi
with a rental price of pricei
. Each shop carries at most one copy of a movie moviei
The system should support the following functions:
should appear first. If there are less than 5 matching shops, then all of them should be returned. If no shop has an unrented copy, then an empty list should be returned.res
where res[j] = [shopj, moviej]
describes that the jth
cheapest rented movie moviej
was rented from the shop shopj
. The movies in res
should be sorted by price in ascending order, and in case of a tie, the one with the smaller shopj
should appear first, and if there is still tie, the one with the smaller moviej
should appear first. If there are fewer than 5 rented movies, then all of them should be returned. If no movies are currently being rented, then an empty list should be returned.Implement the MovieRentingSystem
MovieRentingSystem(int n, int[][] entries)
Initializes the MovieRentingSystem
object with n
shops and the movies in entries
.List<Integer> search(int movie)
Returns a list of shops that have an unrented copy of the given movie
as described above.void rent(int shop, int movie)
Rents the given movie
from the given shop
.void drop(int shop, int movie)
Drops off a previously rented movie
at the given shop
.List<List<Integer>> report()
Returns a list of cheapest rented movies as described above.Note: The test cases will be generated such that rent
will only be called if the shop has an unrented copy of the movie, and drop
will only be called if the shop had previously rented out the movie.
Example 1:
Input ["MovieRentingSystem", "search", "rent", "rent", "report", "drop", "search"] [[3, [[0, 1, 5], [0, 2, 6], [0, 3, 7], [1, 1, 4], [1, 2, 7], [2, 1, 5]]], [1], [0, 1], [1, 2], [], [1, 2], [2]] Output [null, [1, 0, 2], null, null, [[0, 1], [1, 2]], null, [0, 1]] Explanation MovieRentingSystem movieRentingSystem = new MovieRentingSystem(3, [[0, 1, 5], [0, 2, 6], [0, 3, 7], [1, 1, 4], [1, 2, 7], [2, 1, 5]]);; // return [1, 0, 2], Movies of ID 1 are unrented at shops 1, 0, and 2. Shop 1 is cheapest; shop 0 and 2 are the same price, so order by shop number., 1); // Rent movie 1 from shop 0. Unrented movies at shop 0 are now [2,3]., 2); // Rent movie 2 from shop 1. Unrented movies at shop 1 are now [1].; // return [[0, 1], [1, 2]]. Movie 1 from shop 0 is cheapest, followed by movie 2 from shop 1. movieRentingSystem.drop(1, 2); // Drop off movie 2 at shop 1. Unrented movies at shop 1 are now [1,2].; // return [0, 1]. Movies of ID 2 are unrented at shops 0 and 1. Shop 0 is cheapest, followed by shop 1.
1 <= n <= 3 * 105
1 <= entries.length <= 105
0 <= shopi < n
1 <= moviei, pricei <= 104
calls in total will be made to search
, rent
, drop
and report