You are given a string num
which represents a positive integer, and an integer t
A number is called zero-free if none of its digits are 0.
Return a string representing the smallest zero-free number greater than or equal to num
such that the product of its digits is divisible by t
. If no such number exists, return "-1"
Example 1:
Input: num = "1234", t = 256
Output: "1488"
The smallest zero-free number that is greater than 1234 and has the product of its digits divisible by 256 is 1488, with the product of its digits equal to 256.
Example 2:
Input: num = "12355", t = 50
Output: "12355"
12355 is already zero-free and has the product of its digits divisible by 50, with the product of its digits equal to 150.
Example 3:
Input: num = "11111", t = 26
Output: "-1"
No number greater than 11111 has the product of its digits divisible by 26.
2 <= num.length <= 2 * 105
consists only of digits in the range ['0', '9']
does not contain leading zeros.1 <= t <= 1014