You are given a tree rooted at node 0 that consists of n nodes numbered from 0 to n - 1. The tree is represented by an array parent of size n, where parent[i] is the parent of node i. Since node 0 is the root, parent[0] == -1.

You are also given a string s of length n, where s[i] is the character assigned to node i.

We make the following changes on the tree one time simultaneously for all nodes x from 1 to n - 1:

Return an array answer of size n where answer[i] is the size of the subtree rooted at node i in the final tree.


Example 1:

Input: parent = [-1,0,0,1,1,1], s = "abaabc"

Output: [6,3,1,1,1,1]


The parent of node 3 will change from node 1 to node 0.

Example 2:

Input: parent = [-1,0,4,0,1], s = "abbba"

Output: [5,2,1,1,1]


The following changes will happen at the same time:

