You are given an array nums of n integers and two integers k and x.

The x-sum of an array is calculated by the following procedure:

Note that if an array has less than x distinct elements, its x-sum is the sum of the array.

Return an integer array answer of length n - k + 1 where answer[i] is the x-sum of the subarray nums[i..i + k - 1].


Example 1:

Input: nums = [1,1,2,2,3,4,2,3], k = 6, x = 2

Output: [6,10,12]


Example 2:

Input: nums = [3,8,7,8,7,5], k = 2, x = 2

Output: [11,15,15,15,12]


Since k == x, answer[i] is equal to the sum of the subarray nums[i..i + k - 1].

