<p>You are given a <strong>0-indexed</strong> string <code>expression</code> of the form <code>"<num1>+<num2>"</code> where <code><num1></code> and <code><num2></code> represent positive integers.</p>
<p>Add a pair of parentheses to <code>expression</code> such that after the addition of parentheses, <code>expression</code> is a <strong>valid</strong> mathematical expression and evaluates to the <strong>smallest</strong> possible value. The left parenthesis <strong>must</strong> be added to the left of <code>'+'</code> and the right parenthesis <strong>must</strong> be added to the right of <code>'+'</code>.</p>
<p>Return <code>expression</code><em> after adding a pair of parentheses such that </em><code>expression</code><em> evaluates to the <strong>smallest</strong> possible value.</em> If there are multiple answers that yield the same result, return any of them.</p>
<p>The input has been generated such that the original value of <code>expression</code>, and the value of <code>expression</code> after adding any pair of parentheses that meets the requirements fits within a signed 32-bit integer.</p>
<li><code>expression</code> consists of digits from <code>'1'</code> to <code>'9'</code> and <code>'+'</code>.</li>
<li><code>expression</code> starts and ends with digits.</li>
<li><code>expression</code> contains exactly one <code>'+'</code>.</li>
<li>The original value of <code>expression</code>, and the value of <code>expression</code> after adding any pair of parentheses that meets the requirements fits within a signed 32-bit integer.</li>