<p>A company is organizing a meeting and has a list of <code>n</code> employees, waiting to be invited. They have arranged for a large <strong>circular</strong> table, capable of seating <strong>any number</strong> of employees.</p>
<p>The employees are numbered from <code>0</code> to <code>n - 1</code>. Each employee has a <strong>favorite</strong> person and they will attend the meeting <strong>only if</strong> they can sit next to their favorite person at the table. The favorite person of an employee is <strong>not</strong> themself.</p>
<p>Given a <strong>0-indexed</strong> integer array <code>favorite</code>, where <code>favorite[i]</code> denotes the favorite person of the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> employee, return <em>the <strong>maximum number of employees</strong> that can be invited to the meeting</em>.</p>