<p>Given a binary string <code>s</code>, return <code>true</code><em> if the <strong>longest</strong> contiguous segment of </em><code>1</code>'<em>s is <strong>strictly longer</strong> than the <strong>longest</strong> contiguous segment of </em><code>0</code>'<em>s in </em><code>s</code>, or return <code>false</code><em> otherwise</em>.</p>
<li>For example, in <code>s = "<u>11</u>01<u>000</u>10"</code> the longest continuous segment of <code>1</code>s has length <code>2</code>, and the longest continuous segment of <code>0</code>s has length <code>3</code>.</li>
<p>Note that if there are no <code>0</code>'s, then the longest continuous segment of <code>0</code>'s is considered to have a length <code>0</code>. The same applies if there is no <code>1</code>'s.</p>