<p>You are given a stream of points on the X-Y plane. Design an algorithm that:</p>
<li><strong>Adds</strong> new points from the stream into a data structure. <strong>Duplicate</strong> points are allowed and should be treated as different points.</li>
<li>Given a query point, <strong>counts</strong> the number of ways to choose three points from the data structure such that the three points and the query point form an <strong>axis-aligned square</strong> with <strong>positive area</strong>.</li>
<p>An <strong>axis-aligned square</strong> is a square whose edges are all the same length and are either parallel or perpendicular to the x-axis and y-axis.</p>
<p>Implement the <code>DetectSquares</code> class:</p>
<li><code>DetectSquares()</code> Initializes the object with an empty data structure.</li>
<li><code>void add(int[] point)</code> Adds a new point <code>point = [x, y]</code> to the data structure.</li>
<li><code>int count(int[] point)</code> Counts the number of ways to form <strong>axis-aligned squares</strong> with point <code>point = [x, y]</code> as described above.</li>