<p>Design your implementation of the circular queue. The circular queue is a linear data structure in which the operations are performed based on FIFO (First In First Out) principle, and the last position is connected back to the first position to make a circle. It is also called "Ring Buffer".</p>
<p>One of the benefits of the circular queue is that we can make use of the spaces in front of the queue. In a normal queue, once the queue becomes full, we cannot insert the next element even if there is a space in front of the queue. But using the circular queue, we can use the space to store new values.</p>
MyCircularQueue myCircularQueue = new MyCircularQueue(3);
myCircularQueue.enQueue(1); // return True
myCircularQueue.enQueue(2); // return True
myCircularQueue.enQueue(3); // return True
myCircularQueue.enQueue(4); // return False
myCircularQueue.Rear(); // return 3
myCircularQueue.isFull(); // return True
myCircularQueue.deQueue(); // return True
myCircularQueue.enQueue(4); // return True
myCircularQueue.Rear(); // return 4
<p> </p>
<li><code>1 <= k <= 1000</code></li>
<li><code>0 <= value <= 1000</code></li>
<li>At most <code>3000</code> calls will be made to <code>enQueue</code>, <code>deQueue</code>, <code>Front</code>, <code>Rear</code>, <code>isEmpty</code>, and <code>isFull</code>.</li>