<p>There is an <code>m x n</code> matrix that is initialized to all <code>0</code>'s. There is also a 2D array <code>indices</code> where each <code>indices[i] = [r<sub>i</sub>, c<sub>i</sub>]</code> represents a <strong>0-indexed location</strong> to perform some increment operations on the matrix.</p>
<p>For each location <code>indices[i]</code>, do <strong>both</strong> of the following:</p>
<li>Increment <strong>all</strong> the cells on row <code>r<sub>i</sub></code>.</li>
<li>Increment <strong>all</strong> the cells on column <code>c<sub>i</sub></code>.</li>
<p>Given <code>m</code>, <code>n</code>, and <code>indices</code>, return <em>the <strong>number of odd-valued cells</strong> in the matrix after applying the increment to all locations in </em><code>indices</code>.</p>