"content":"<p>Table: <code>Customer</code></p>\n\n<pre>\n+-------------+---------+\n| Column Name | Type |\n+-------------+---------+\n| id | int |\n| name | varchar |\n| referee_id | int |\n+-------------+---------+\nIn SQL, id is the primary key column for this table.\nEach row of this table indicates the id of a customer, their name, and the id of the customer who referred them.\n</pre>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Find the names of the customer that are <strong>not referred by</strong> the customer with <code>id = 2</code>.</p>\n\n<p>Return the result table in <strong>any order</strong>.</p>\n\n<p>The result format is in the following example.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n<p><strong class=\"example\">Example 1:</strong></p>\n\n<pre>\n<strong>Input:</strong> \nCustomer table:\n+----+------+------------+\n| id | name | referee_id |\n+----+------+------------+\n| 1 | Will | null |\n| 2 | Jane | null |\n| 3 | Alex | 2 |\n| 4 | Bill | null |\n| 5 | Zack | 1 |\n| 6 | Mark | 2 |\n+----+------+------------+\n<strong>Output:</strong> \n+------+\n| name |\n+------+\n| Will |\n| Jane |\n| Bill |\n| Zack |\n+------+\n</pre>\n",
"metaData":"{\"mysql\":[\"Create table If Not Exists Customer (id int, name varchar(25), referee_id int)\"],\"mssql\":[\"Create table Customer (id int, name varchar(25), referee_id int)\"],\"oraclesql\":[\"Create table Customer (id int, name varchar(25), referee_id int)\"],\"database\":true,\"name\":\"find_customer_referee\",\"pythondata\":[\"Customer = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['id', 'name', 'referee_id']).astype({'id':'Int64', 'name':'object', 'referee_id':'Int64'})\"],\"postgresql\":[\"Create table If Not Exists Customer (id int, name varchar(25), referee_id int)\"],\"database_schema\":{\"Customer\":{\"id\":\"INT\",\"name\":\"VARCHAR(25)\",\"referee_id\":\"INT\"}}}",