2022-03-27 18:27:43 +08:00
< p > You are given an integer array < code > arr< / code > . You can choose a set of integers and remove all the occurrences of these integers in the array.< / p >
< p > Return < em > the minimum size of the set so that < strong > at least< / strong > half of the integers of the array are removed< / em > .< / p >
< p > < / p >
2023-12-09 18:42:21 +08:00
< p > < strong class = "example" > Example 1:< / strong > < / p >
2022-03-27 18:27:43 +08:00
< pre >
< strong > Input:< / strong > arr = [3,3,3,3,5,5,5,2,2,7]
< strong > Output:< / strong > 2
< strong > Explanation:< / strong > Choosing {3,7} will make the new array [5,5,5,2,2] which has size 5 (i.e equal to half of the size of the old array).
Possible sets of size 2 are {3,5},{3,2},{5,2}.
Choosing set {2,7} is not possible as it will make the new array [3,3,3,3,5,5,5] which has a size greater than half of the size of the old array.
< / pre >
2023-12-09 18:42:21 +08:00
< p > < strong class = "example" > Example 2:< / strong > < / p >
2022-03-27 18:27:43 +08:00
< pre >
< strong > Input:< / strong > arr = [7,7,7,7,7,7]
< strong > Output:< / strong > 1
< strong > Explanation:< / strong > The only possible set you can choose is {7}. This will make the new array empty.
< / pre >
< p > < / p >
< p > < strong > Constraints:< / strong > < / p >
< ul >
< li > < code > 2 < = arr.length < = 10< sup > 5< / sup > < / code > < / li >
< li > < code > arr.length< / code > is even.< / li >
< li > < code > 1 < = arr[i] < = 10< sup > 5< / sup > < / code > < / li >
< / ul >