<p>Given an integer array <code>nums</code>, find the <strong>maximum</strong> possible <strong>bitwise OR</strong> of a subset of <code>nums</code> and return <em>the <strong>number of different non-empty subsets</strong> with the maximum bitwise OR</em>.</p>
<p>An array <code>a</code> is a <strong>subset</strong> of an array <code>b</code> if <code>a</code> can be obtained from <code>b</code> by deleting some (possibly zero) elements of <code>b</code>. Two subsets are considered <strong>different</strong> if the indices of the elements chosen are different.</p>
<p>The bitwise OR of an array <code>a</code> is equal to <code>a[0] <strong>OR</strong> a[1] <strong>OR</strong> ... <strong>OR</strong> a[a.length - 1]</code> (<strong>0-indexed</strong>).</p>