<p>You have a data structure of employee information, including the employee's unique ID, importance value, and direct subordinates' IDs.</p>
<p>You are given an array of employees <code>employees</code> where:</p>
<li><code>employees[i].id</code> is the ID of the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> employee.</li>
<li><code>employees[i].importance</code> is the importance value of the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> employee.</li>
<li><code>employees[i].subordinates</code> is a list of the IDs of the direct subordinates of the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> employee.</li>
<p>Given an integer <code>id</code> that represents an employee's ID, return <em>the <strong>total</strong> importance value of this employee and all their direct and indirect subordinates</em>.</p>