"content":"<p>Table: <code>Employee</code></p>\n\n<pre>\n+-------------+---------+\n| Column Name | Type |\n+-------------+---------+\n| id | int |\n| name | varchar |\n| salary | int |\n| managerId | int |\n+-------------+---------+\nid is the primary key column for this table.\nEach row of this table indicates the ID of an employee, their name, salary, and the ID of their manager.\n</pre>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Write an SQL query to find the employees who earn more than their managers.</p>\n\n<p>Return the result table in <strong>any order</strong>.</p>\n\n<p>The query result format is in the following example.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n<p><strong>Example 1:</strong></p>\n\n<pre>\n<strong>Input:</strong> \nEmployee table:\n+----+-------+--------+-----------+\n| id | name | salary | managerId |\n+----+-------+--------+-----------+\n| 1 | Joe | 70000 | 3 |\n| 2 | Henry | 80000 | 4 |\n| 3 | Sam | 60000 | Null |\n| 4 | Max | 90000 | Null |\n+----+-------+--------+-----------+\n<strong>Output:</strong> \n+----------+\n| Employee |\n+----------+\n| Joe |\n+----------+\n<strong>Explanation:</strong> Joe is the only employee who earns more than his manager.\n</pre>\n",
"translatedContent":"<p>表:<code>Employee</code> </p>\n\n<pre>\n+-------------+---------+\n| Column Name | Type |\n+-------------+---------+\n| id | int |\n| name | varchar |\n| salary | int |\n| managerId | int |\n+-------------+---------+\nId是该表的主键。\n该表的每一行都表示雇员的ID、姓名、工资和经理的ID。\n</pre>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>编写一个SQL查询来查找收入比经理高的员工。</p>\n\n<p>以 <strong>任意顺序</strong> 返回结果表。</p>\n\n<p>查询结果格式如下所示。</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><strong>示例 1:</strong></p>\n\n<pre>\n<strong>输入:</strong> \nEmployee 表:\n+----+-------+--------+-----------+\n| id | name | salary | managerId |\n+----+-------+--------+-----------+\n| 1 | Joe | 70000 | 3 |\n| 2 | Henry | 80000 | 4 |\n| 3 | Sam | 60000 | Null |\n| 4 | Max | 90000 | Null |\n+----+-------+--------+-----------+\n<strong>输出:</strong> \n+----------+\n| Employee |\n+----------+\n| Joe |\n+----------+\n<strong>解释:</strong> Joe 是唯一挣得比经理多的雇员。</pre>\n",