<p>Write an API that generates fancy sequences using the <code>append</code>, <code>addAll</code>, and <code>multAll</code> operations.</p>
<p>Implement the <code>Fancy</code> class:</p>
<li><code>Fancy()</code> Initializes the object with an empty sequence.</li>
<li><code>void append(val)</code> Appends an integer <code>val</code> to the end of the sequence.</li>
<li><code>void addAll(inc)</code> Increments all existing values in the sequence by an integer <code>inc</code>.</li>
<li><code>void multAll(m)</code> Multiplies all existing values in the sequence by an integer <code>m</code>.</li>
<li><code>int getIndex(idx)</code> Gets the current value at index <code>idx</code> (0-indexed) of the sequence <strong>modulo</strong><code>10<sup>9</sup> + 7</code>. If the index is greater or equal than the length of the sequence, return <code>-1</code>.</li>
<li>At most <code>10<sup>5</sup></code> calls total will be made to <code>append</code>, <code>addAll</code>, <code>multAll</code>, and <code>getIndex</code>.</li>