<p>There are <code>n</code> people, each person has a unique <em>id</em> between <code>0</code> and <code>n-1</code>. Given the arrays <code>watchedVideos</code> and <code>friends</code>, where <code>watchedVideos[i]</code> and <code>friends[i]</code> contain the list of watched videos and the list of friends respectively for the person with <code>id = i</code>.</p>
<p>Level <strong>1</strong> of videos are all watched videos by your friends, level <strong>2</strong> of videos are all watched videos by the friends of your friends and so on. In general, the level <code>k</code> of videos are all watched videos by people with the shortest path <strong>exactly</strong> equal to <code>k</code> with you. Given your <code>id</code> and the <code>level</code> of videos, return the list of videos ordered by their frequencies (increasing). For videos with the same frequency order them alphabetically from least to greatest. </p>