<p>You are given two images, <code>img1</code> and <code>img2</code>, represented as binary, square matrices of size <code>n x n</code>. A binary matrix has only <code>0</code>s and <code>1</code>s as values.</p>
<p>We <strong>translate</strong> one image however we choose by sliding all the <code>1</code> bits left, right, up, and/or down any number of units. We then place it on top of the other image. We can then calculate the <strong>overlap</strong> by counting the number of positions that have a <code>1</code> in <strong>both</strong> images.</p>
<p>Note also that a translation does <strong>not</strong> include any kind of rotation. Any <code>1</code> bits that are translated outside of the matrix borders are erased.</p>
<p>Return <em>the largest possible overlap</em>.</p>