<p>You have a chat log of <code>n</code> messages. You are given two string arrays <code>messages</code> and <code>senders</code> where <code>messages[i]</code> is a <strong>message</strong> sent by <code>senders[i]</code>.</p>
<p>A <strong>message</strong> is list of <strong>words</strong> that are separated by a single space with no leading or trailing spaces. The <strong>word count</strong> of a sender is the total number of <strong>words</strong> sent by the sender. Note that a sender may send more than one message.</p>
<p>Return <em>the sender with the <strong>largest</strong> word count</em>. If there is more than one sender with the largest word count, return <em>the one with the <strong>lexicographically largest</strong> name</em>.</p>
<li>Uppercase letters come before lowercase letters in lexicographical order.</li>
<li><code>"Alice"</code> and <code>"alice"</code> are distinct.</li>
<strong>Input:</strong> messages = ["How is leetcode for everyone","Leetcode is useful for practice"], senders = ["Bob","Charlie"]
<strong>Explanation:</strong> Bob sends a total of 5 words.
Charlie sends a total of 5 words.
Since there is a tie for the largest word count, we return the sender with the lexicographically larger name, Charlie.</pre>