<p>There is a school that has classes of students and each class will be having a final exam. You are given a 2D integer array <code>classes</code>, where <code>classes[i] = [pass<sub>i</sub>, total<sub>i</sub>]</code>. You know beforehand that in the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> class, there are <code>total<sub>i</sub></code> total students, but only <code>pass<sub>i</sub></code> number of students will pass the exam.</p>
<p>You are also given an integer <code>extraStudents</code>. There are another <code>extraStudents</code> brilliant students that are <strong>guaranteed</strong> to pass the exam of any class they are assigned to. You want to assign each of the <code>extraStudents</code> students to a class in a way that <strong>maximizes</strong> the <strong>average</strong> pass ratio across <strong>all</strong> the classes.</p>
<p>The <strong>pass ratio</strong> of a class is equal to the number of students of the class that will pass the exam divided by the total number of students of the class. The <strong>average pass ratio</strong> is the sum of pass ratios of all the classes divided by the number of the classes.</p>
<p>Return <em>the <strong>maximum</strong> possible average pass ratio after assigning the </em><code>extraStudents</code><em> students. </em>Answers within <code>10<sup>-5</sup></code> of the actual answer will be accepted.</p>
<strong>Explanation:</strong> You can assign the two extra students to the first class. The average pass ratio will be equal to (3/4 + 3/5 + 2/2) / 3 = 0.78333.