2023-05-15 17:43:00 +08:00
"data" : {
"question" : {
"questionId" : "2830" ,
"questionFrontendId" : "2669" ,
"categoryTitle" : "Database" ,
"boundTopicId" : 2259120 ,
"title" : "Count Artist Occurrences On Spotify Ranking List" ,
"titleSlug" : "count-artist-occurrences-on-spotify-ranking-list" ,
"content" : null ,
"translatedTitle" : "统计 Spotify 排行榜上艺术家出现次数" ,
"translatedContent" : null ,
"isPaidOnly" : true ,
"difficulty" : "Easy" ,
"likes" : 0 ,
"dislikes" : 0 ,
"isLiked" : null ,
"similarQuestions" : "[]" ,
"contributors" : [ ] ,
"langToValidPlayground" : null ,
"topicTags" : [
"name" : "Database" ,
"slug" : "database" ,
"translatedName" : "数据库" ,
"__typename" : "TopicTagNode"
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"companyTagStats" : null ,
"codeSnippets" : null ,
2023-12-09 19:57:46 +08:00
"stats" : "{\"totalAccepted\": \"510\", \"totalSubmission\": \"695\", \"totalAcceptedRaw\": 510, \"totalSubmissionRaw\": 695, \"acRate\": \"73.4%\"}" ,
2023-05-15 17:43:00 +08:00
"hints" : [ ] ,
"solution" : null ,
"status" : null ,
"sampleTestCase" : "{\"headers\":{\"Spotify\":[\"id\",\"track_name\",\"artist\"]},\"rows\":{\"Spotify\":[[303651,\"Heart Won't Forget\",\"Ed Sheeran\"],[1046089,\"Shape of you\",\"Sia\"],[33445,\"I'm the one\",\"DJ Khalid\"],[811266,\"Young Dumb & Broke\",\"DJ Khalid\"],[505727,\"Happier\",\"Ed Sheeran\"]]}}" ,
2023-12-09 18:42:21 +08:00
"metaData" : "{\"mysql\":[\"Create table If Not Exists Spotify (id int,track_name varchar(100),artist varchar(100))\"],\"mssql\":[\"Create table Spotify (id int,track_name varchar(100),artist varchar(100))\"],\"oraclesql\":[\"Create table Spotify (id int,track_name varchar(100),artist varchar(100))\"],\"database\":true,\"name\":\"count_occurrences\",\"pythondata\":[\"Spotify = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['id', 'track_name', 'artist']).astype({'id':'Int64', 'track_name':'object', 'artist':'object'})\"],\"postgresql\":[\"Create table If Not Exists Spotify (id int,track_name varchar(100),artist varchar(100))\"],\"database_schema\":{\"Spotify\":{\"id\":\"INT\",\"track_name\":\"VARCHAR(100)\",\"artist\":\"VARCHAR(100)\"}}}" ,
2023-05-15 17:43:00 +08:00
"judgerAvailable" : true ,
"judgeType" : "large" ,
"mysqlSchemas" : [
"Create table If Not Exists Spotify (id int,track_name varchar(100),artist varchar(100))" ,
"Truncate table Spotify" ,
"insert into Spotify (id, track_name, artist) values ('303651', 'Heart Won't Forget', 'Ed Sheeran')" ,
"insert into Spotify (id, track_name, artist) values ('1046089', 'Shape of you', 'Sia')" ,
"insert into Spotify (id, track_name, artist) values ('33445', 'I'm the one', 'DJ Khalid')" ,
"insert into Spotify (id, track_name, artist) values ('811266', 'Young Dumb & Broke', 'DJ Khalid')" ,
"insert into Spotify (id, track_name, artist) values ('505727', 'Happier', 'Ed Sheeran')"
] ,
"enableRunCode" : true ,
2023-12-09 18:42:21 +08:00
"envInfo" : "{\"mysql\":[\"MySQL\",\"<p>\\u7248\\u672c\\uff1a<code>MySQL 8.0<\\/code><\\/p>\"],\"mssql\":[\"MS SQL Server\",\"<p>mssql server 2019.<\\/p>\"],\"oraclesql\":[\"Oracle\",\"<p>Oracle Sql 11.2.<\\/p>\"],\"pythondata\":[\"Pandas\",\"<p>Python 3.10 with Pandas 2.0.2 and NumPy 1.25.0<\\/p>\"],\"postgresql\":[\"PostgreSQL\",\"<p>PostgreSQL 16<\\/p>\"]}" ,
2023-05-15 17:43:00 +08:00
"book" : null ,
"isSubscribed" : false ,
"isDailyQuestion" : false ,
"dailyRecordStatus" : null ,
"editorType" : "CKEDITOR" ,
"ugcQuestionId" : null ,
"style" : "LEETCODE" ,
"exampleTestcases" : "{\"headers\":{\"Spotify\":[\"id\",\"track_name\",\"artist\"]},\"rows\":{\"Spotify\":[[303651,\"Heart Won't Forget\",\"Ed Sheeran\"],[1046089,\"Shape of you\",\"Sia\"],[33445,\"I'm the one\",\"DJ Khalid\"],[811266,\"Young Dumb & Broke\",\"DJ Khalid\"],[505727,\"Happier\",\"Ed Sheeran\"]]}}" ,
"__typename" : "QuestionNode"