<p>Given a function <code>fn</code>, an array of arguments <code>args</code>, and a timeout <code>t</code> in milliseconds, return a cancel function <code>cancelFn</code>.</p>
<p>After a delay of <code>cancelTimeMs</code>, the returned cancel function <code>cancelFn</code> will be invoked.</p>
setTimeout(cancelFn, cancelTimeMs)
<p>Initially, the execution of the function <code>fn</code> should be delayed by <code>t</code> milliseconds.</p>
<p>If, before the delay of <code>t</code> milliseconds, the function <code>cancelFn</code> is invoked, it should cancel the delayed execution of <code>fn</code>. Otherwise, if <code>cancelFn</code> is not invoked within the specified delay <code>t</code>, <code>fn</code> should be executed with the provided <code>args</code> as arguments.</p>
The cancellation was scheduled to occur after a delay of cancelTimeMs (50ms), which happened before the execution of fn(2) at 100ms, resulting in fn(2) never being called.