<li><code>printNumber</code> that prints a given integer to the console.</li>
<p>You are given an instance of the class <code>FizzBuzz</code> that has four functions: <code>fizz</code>, <code>buzz</code>, <code>fizzbuzz</code> and <code>number</code>. The same instance of <code>FizzBuzz</code> will be passed to four different threads:</p>
<p>Modify the given class to output the series <code>[1, 2, "fizz", 4, "buzz", ...]</code> where the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> token (<strong>1-indexed</strong>) of the series is:</p>
<li><code>i</code> if <code>i</code> is not divisible by <code>3</code> or <code>5</code>.</li>
<p>Implement the <code>FizzBuzz</code> class:</p>
<li><code>FizzBuzz(int n)</code> Initializes the object with the number <code>n</code> that represents the length of the sequence that should be printed.</li>