<p>There is a safe protected by a password. The password is a sequence of <code>n</code> digits where each digit can be in the range <code>[0, k - 1]</code>.</p>
<p>The safe has a peculiar way of checking the password. When you enter in a sequence, it checks the <strong>most recent </strong><code>n</code><strong> digits</strong> that were entered each time you type a digit.</p>
<li>For example, the correct password is <code>"345"</code> and you enter in <code>"012345"</code>:
<li>After typing <code>0</code>, the most recent <code>3</code> digits is <code>"0"</code>, which is incorrect.</li>
<li>After typing <code>1</code>, the most recent <code>3</code> digits is <code>"01"</code>, which is incorrect.</li>
<li>After typing <code>2</code>, the most recent <code>3</code> digits is <code>"012"</code>, which is incorrect.</li>
<li>After typing <code>3</code>, the most recent <code>3</code> digits is <code>"123"</code>, which is incorrect.</li>
<li>After typing <code>4</code>, the most recent <code>3</code> digits is <code>"234"</code>, which is incorrect.</li>
<li>After typing <code>5</code>, the most recent <code>3</code> digits is <code>"345"</code>, which is correct and the safe unlocks.</li>
<p>Return <em>any string of <strong>minimum length</strong> that will unlock the safe <strong>at some point</strong> of entering it</em>.</p>