<p>You are given an integer <code>n</code> indicating there are <code>n</code> specialty retail stores. There are <code>m</code> product types of varying amounts, which are given as a <strong>0-indexed</strong> integer array <code>quantities</code>, where <code>quantities[i]</code> represents the number of products of the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> product type.</p>
<p>You need to distribute <strong>all products</strong> to the retail stores following these rules:</p>
<li>A store can only be given <strong>at most one product type</strong> but can be given <strong>any</strong> amount of it.</li>
<li>After distribution, each store will have been given some number of products (possibly <code>0</code>). Let <code>x</code> represent the maximum number of products given to any store. You want <code>x</code> to be as small as possible, i.e., you want to <strong>minimize</strong> the <strong>maximum</strong> number of products that are given to any store.</li>