<p>You are given a very large integer <code>n</code>, represented as a string, and an integer digit <code>x</code>. The digits in <code>n</code> and the digit <code>x</code> are in the <strong>inclusive</strong> range <code>[1, 9]</code>, and <code>n</code> may represent a <b>negative</b> number.</p>
<p>You want to <strong>maximize </strong><code>n</code><strong>'s numerical value</strong> by inserting <code>x</code> anywhere in the decimal representation of <code>n</code>. You <strong>cannot</strong> insert <code>x</code> to the left of the negative sign.</p>
<li>For example, if <code>n = 73</code> and <code>x = 6</code>, it would be best to insert it between <code>7</code> and <code>3</code>, making <code>n = 763</code>.</li>
<li>If <code>n = -55</code> and <code>x = 2</code>, it would be best to insert it before the first <code>5</code>, making <code>n = -255</code>.</li>
<p>Return <em>a string representing the <strong>maximum</strong> value of </em><code>n</code><em> after the insertion</em>.</p>