<p>You have <code>n</code> boxes labeled from <code>0</code> to <code>n - 1</code>. You are given four arrays: <code>status</code>, <code>candies</code>, <code>keys</code>, and <code>containedBoxes</code> where:</p>
<li><code>status[i]</code> is <code>1</code> if the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> box is open and <code>0</code> if the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> box is closed,</li>
<li><code>candies[i]</code> is the number of candies in the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> box,</li>
<li><code>keys[i]</code> is a list of the labels of the boxes you can open after opening the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> box.</li>
<li><code>containedBoxes[i]</code> is a list of the boxes you found inside the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> box.</li>
<p>You are given an integer array <code>initialBoxes</code> that contains the labels of the boxes you initially have. You can take all the candies in <strong>any open box</strong> and you can use the keys in it to open new boxes and you also can use the boxes you find in it.</p>
<p>Return <em>the maximum number of candies you can get following the rules above</em>.</p>