<p>You are given a positive integer <code>primeFactors</code>. You are asked to construct a positive integer <code>n</code> that satisfies the following conditions:</p>
<li>The number of prime factors of <code>n</code> (not necessarily distinct) is <strong>at most</strong><code>primeFactors</code>.</li>
<li>The number of nice divisors of <code>n</code> is maximized. Note that a divisor of <code>n</code> is <strong>nice</strong> if it is divisible by every prime factor of <code>n</code>. For example, if <code>n = 12</code>, then its prime factors are <code>[2,2,3]</code>, then <code>6</code> and <code>12</code> are nice divisors, while <code>3</code> and <code>4</code> are not.</li>
<p>Return <em>the number of nice divisors of</em><code>n</code>. Since that number can be too large, return it <strong>modulo</strong><code>10<sup>9</sup> + 7</code>.</p>
<p>Note that a prime number is a natural number greater than <code>1</code> that is not a product of two smaller natural numbers. The prime factors of a number <code>n</code> is a list of prime numbers such that their product equals <code>n</code>.</p>