<p>There is an ATM machine that stores banknotes of <code>5</code> denominations: <code>20</code>, <code>50</code>, <code>100</code>, <code>200</code>, and <code>500</code> dollars. Initially the ATM is empty. The user can use the machine to deposit or withdraw any amount of money.</p>
<p>When withdrawing, the machine prioritizes using banknotes of <strong>larger</strong> values.</p>
<li>For example, if you want to withdraw <code>$300</code> and there are <code>2</code><code>$50</code> banknotes, <code>1</code><code>$100</code> banknote, and <code>1</code><code>$200</code> banknote, then the machine will use the <code>$100</code> and <code>$200</code> banknotes.</li>
<li>However, if you try to withdraw <code>$600</code> and there are <code>3</code><code>$200</code> banknotes and <code>1</code><code>$500</code> banknote, then the withdraw request will be rejected because the machine will first try to use the <code>$500</code> banknote and then be unable to use banknotes to complete the remaining <code>$100</code>. Note that the machine is <strong>not</strong> allowed to use the <code>$200</code> banknotes instead of the <code>$500</code> banknote.</li>
<p>Implement the ATM class:</p>
<li><code>ATM()</code> Initializes the ATM object.</li>
<li><code>void deposit(int[] banknotesCount)</code> Deposits new banknotes in the order <code>$20</code>, <code>$50</code>, <code>$100</code>, <code>$200</code>, and <code>$500</code>.</li>
<li><code>int[] withdraw(int amount)</code> Returns an array of length <code>5</code> of the number of banknotes that will be handed to the user in the order <code>$20</code>, <code>$50</code>, <code>$100</code>, <code>$200</code>, and <code>$500</code>, and update the number of banknotes in the ATM after withdrawing. Returns <code>[-1]</code> if it is not possible (do <strong>not</strong> withdraw any banknotes in this case).</li>