<p>We had some 2-dimensional coordinates, like <code>"(1, 3)"</code> or <code>"(2, 0.5)"</code>. Then, we removed all commas, decimal points, and spaces and ended up with the string s.</p>
<li>For example, <code>"(1, 3)"</code> becomes <code>s = "(13)"</code> and <code>"(2, 0.5)"</code> becomes <code>s = "(205)"</code>.</li>
<p>Return <em>a list of strings representing all possibilities for what our original coordinates could have been</em>.</p>
<p>Our original representation never had extraneous zeroes, so we never started with numbers like <code>"00"</code>, <code>"0.0"</code>, <code>"0.00"</code>, <code>"1.0"</code>, <code>"001"</code>, <code>"00.01"</code>, or any other number that can be represented with fewer digits. Also, a decimal point within a number never occurs without at least one digit occurring before it, so we never started with numbers like <code>".1"</code>.</p>
<p>The final answer list can be returned in any order. All coordinates in the final answer have exactly one space between them (occurring after the comma.)</p>